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Thursday 23 December 2010

The Red Baron, A Christmas Party and Merry Christmas To You All

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

It's the day of the party at our 'Dial-a-Ride'
We're treating the old folk this Christmastide
Three minibuses, including this one
Ferried passengers to HQ to have fun.

The weather was bitter, the wind blew and blew
But we soldiered on as the numbers just grew
On roads we skidded and round corners we did slide
But we managed our pick ups where 'ere they reside.

Yer can see Eddie wrapped up in a Bobble Hatter
With scarf  and warm coat as his teeth started to chatter.
The Red Baron bus started with loud engine noise
To pick up the old ladies and a few elderly boys.

Along icy roads just covered with snow
We had to be careful and allow time to slow.
Each bus had been skidding and sliding all week
Not the place to be if you're kind of meek!

Down one of the roads Eddie's bus became stuck
"Hell's teeth!" muttered Eddie, "just my luck!
I've got nine old ladies - I must get to the top
If I cannot do this they will all have a strop!"

"We'll jump up and down", said one, "try again!"
"Nay, please stay seated and with such notions refrain!"
"I'm 94!" was a lady's reaction
"You must think of how you can get some more traction!"

Said another, "Come on lad! we'll get out and push!
There's no other way to the top in this slush!"
Said another, "This is all exciting to me!
I've not had such fun since I was three!"

Eddie reversed down the hill in his little red bus
And charged from a car park without further fuss.
"Come on!" they all all shouted as they neared the top,
"The wheels are spinning and we think bus will stop!"

But Eddie put his right foot hard on the floor
As the engine revved faster and the noise was a roar.
Inch by inch they progressed climbing higher and higher
Until they got grip on the road with each tyre.

"Well done, Eddie!" the old ladies screamed
With delight on their faces and a smile to him beamed.
"One more to collect . . . a fellow called Eddie!"
"Not another!" laughed a lady, "for two we're not ready!"

We reached the pick up and had a surprise
A lady was waiting . . . was she in disguise?
"I'm a little confused I was expecting a man
My run sheet says Eddie . . . maybe a fault with the plan!"

"I've been called Eddie since ONE NINE FORTY FOUR
It's entirely true you have the correct score!
Now tell me my good man, what is your name?"
Said Eddie laughing, "It is exactly the same!"

"My name too is Eddie and since I was born
In ONE NINE FOUR FOUR that name I have worn!"
The two of them laughed as her seat belt was secured
And so to the party the bus load endured.

A good time was had with lots of mince pies
Good conversation and presents surprise.
The time went by quickly and the party was ended
So time to board buses and home journeys wended.

But on the way home we saw some of the sights
Of local houses adorned with bright Christmas lights.
There seems many people who like decorations
With seasonal flavour with their creations!

This was my last day at the Dial-a-Ride and many of my passenger friends are a little upset because we have grown to know and like one another. It was a pleasure to drive them, assist them onto and off the bus, carry their shopping and make their lives a little happier. They enjoyed having a little laugh on ocassions and to have someone there to whom they could have a little rant now and then.  I remember having trouble sometimes trying to get their seat belts fastened - some ladies were a little large and fortunately I had an extension seatbelt for such ocassions which caused a few laughs.  I am continuing on a voluntary basis for a while for two days a week.

Well I promised a new ending to Macbeth - I'm still working on it - the projects I give myself! LOL

I am very conscious I have not visited many of my blogging friends for a long time - I am a very busy dude these days and I do apologise for my absence - not sure whether I really do have sufficient time for blogging - real life does get in the way unfortunately.

I'll get the Sunday Roasts going again in the new year.

During my bus travels I found this little pony in a farm along a Lane called World's End Lane. LOL. The farm was at the end of the road and I had difficulty turning the bus round LOL

All together, "Ahhhhhh! . . . .isn't she lovely!"

"Cheers folks . . . . . down the hatch"
Like the graphic? - A little birdie sent it to me LOL . . . . Thanks.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year

Finally, I'm feeling a little pleased today because one of my poems has been published in a magazine, New Forest NCT News for their Winter edition. The piece, a little naughty, is about the Cerne Abbas Giant
Some may remember it.


  1. I love this!! I hope we see this wonderful new holiday poem from you every year Eddie!!

    A VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and yours!!

    Luv and Jugs! ;)

  2. What a delightful poem and lovely photos! thanks so much for sharing! Merry Christmas to you and a happy new year, too!

  3. That was one brilliant poem, Eddie. The snow and ice has a lot to answer for! But it sounds like your passengers had quite an adventure in their somewhat senior years!

    Thank you for popping by my blog tonight. Have a wonderful Christmas, my friend, and give my best regards to your lovely sister.

    Love and best wishes, CJ xx

  4. ha. that was a fun one eddie and i love the pics of the houses...hope you and yours have a very merry christmas...

  5. I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas! I'm so glad you are my bloggy friend! Your story here was just always!


  6. Eddie, so good to see you at your cheerful best. You never fail to entertain, inform and motivate.

    Merry Christmas, and stay off icy roads.

  7. Dear Eddie, Your Christmas party poem made my day! I could picture the old ladies thinking they could actually push the bus up the hill and the great fun they were having while you were getting them safely to the party.

    The news in the US has been all about your nasty weather and I've thought of you several times hoping you were warm and safe. Glad you were able to make it to the party and share in the fun.

    Life does get in the way of blogging sometimes but I hope you will keep it up if only to let us know how you're doing. I'd miss you if you stopped!!

    Wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas and a wonderful and healthy 2011. It's been a pleasure getting to know you this year. All the best, xo jj

  8. Ahh Eddie, what a great poem. You had me laughing and practically rocking in my chair in order to get some momentum going for that bus. Fun stuff and fine photos of the decorations and that sweet little pony.

    I wish you and yours a very healthy and Merry Christmas. Enjoy!

  9. Hi Ya, Eddie! You do have an interesting life I must say. I know senior citizens have enjoyed your humor and kindness as you drive them places. Merry Christmas to you and your family from James and me. Hugs.

  10. Such WONDERFUL pictures, Eddie!!! I love them all!! But that pony? So amazing!!! And all the snow? Wow! Looks like you know how to keep warm, though!! Just stopping by to wish you and Maria the Merriest of Christmases! Hugs to you both ~Janine

  11. I hope you have a very happy and merry Christmas and New Year. Don't worry, we know you have been busy! Love the photos, particularly of the gorgeous pony. I'm having a cute overload! x

  12. So glad you got to the party. I held my breath as I read about the skidding wheels on that hill!
    What a pity about it being your last day. I hope something else crops up in the New Year.

    Love the photos.
    Lovely Christmas Lights and that poor little pony in the cold. Needs some bootees.

    Have a very Merry Christmas...... well not too Merry but you know what I mean!!!!

    Luv Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  13. Does that pony remind you of your little friend...(moi?) :-)

    Have a Cherry, Cherry Christmas!

  14. Merry Christmas to you and your family Eddie :) Have a blessed new year :)

  15. Eddie! Merry Christmas to you and the Mrs.! Loved your poem and pictures. Such fun.

    Sorry I've been MIA, but I have been under the weather and buried under an avalanche of stuff. But tonight, I wanted to be sure and drop by to wish you the merriest of Christmases!

    I think our roast was a hit, and I thank you for the opportunity to share my faith. Speaking of which, I hope your ministry is going well. I got so excited when I read about it, and I think that the healing ministry is a fine place to be! You go, friend!

    Love to you and yours and all the blessings of our Lord on His birthday...


    Sheila :-)

  16. May you have a great Christmas Eddy. Wait. It's already Christmas day in Europe...

    I ran away to California for Christmas so mine will be later than most everyone I know.

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  17. Hello my dearest Eddie !!!
    Let me first wish you and all your/our blogger friends a "VERY HAPPY and MERRY CHRISTMAS".
    It has been my most pleasant journey with you during 2010. I shared all your wisdom (with which you are saturated) and learnt a lot from you during this ride in your palace on wheels skillfully and wisely driven by you.
    I liked this post also very much filled with packs of your humor as usual. Unlike Maggie, I was confident from the very beginning that come what may !, you shall reach atop easily.The whole episode narration is just beautiful and interesting.
    I also enjoyed and was amazed to see the pics of breathtaking decorations of the houses in your way.
    Thanks for sharing and big CHEERS !!!!!.

  18. My friend Eddie...
    What a great poem accompanying the photo of the handsome gent leaning against the red 'ride'...
    How did I miss this post? I am just now getting to it...and it is almost 1 A.M. Christmas morning here...(I have no clue what time it is there...but I'm sure that I could figure it out if I wasn't so lazy!) OK...back to my comment, now. I love your writing....your wit...your talent. But, you know what I find is one of the best attributes of my friend Eddie? You have such a caring heart and spirit. I can only imagine how disappointed the folks were that you transported when they found out that you would no longer be able to do that. You bring more than just a ride to them...I know that from simply blogging with you for these two years. You have such a kind way....and with gentle wit and much love to others.
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas, my dear friend. Give a hug to Maria from me....and please, continue to take care of you. Don't be trying to ride any ponies or horses that you see along the way. Taking photos and sharing is quite enough for now!
    P.S. I LOVE the light displays that you photographed.
    Well, off to bed. Santa should be on the way any moment....up on the rooftop, click, click, click!
    Hugs and smiles to you, Eddie!

  19. Love the poem, the pics, and the story! A truly fabulous post! And I know that the ladies on the Red Barron will miss you. Congrats on your poem being published! Cheers, cher, and best wishes for a Happy New Year!

  20. Eddie, I LOVE your poem! the bit about the 94 Y/O looking for traction had me in stitches. If i was one of those oldies, I'd be campaigning to keep you driving; your wit and charm would make my day. Well done for getting all safely to (and presumably from also) the party.
    The little pony is adorable! And the, the bother some people go to, but we get to enjoy it!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm way behind with Christmas wishes, but here goes:
    Happy Christmas Eddie, Mrs. Bluelights and all the family! And good health and happiness in 2011.

  21. Thank you ALL for your fabulous comments - I am most touched.
    I should have included in the poem that one 'old boy' called Donald aged 92 the previous day looked out of the bus window and made what must be the understatement of the year when he saw a house decorated with Christmas Lights. Get this, he said, "I suppose it must be Christmas!" LOL
    Ah yes Donald! . . . . what else LOL

  22. Simply brilliant,, great poem!
    And what wonderful good deeds!

    Don't worry about not having the time to visit blogs. Those who love your writing will come by anyway!
    I am also not able to visit very often, but I always come back, no matter what.

    I hope you are enjoying a Blessed Christmastime and wish you and your loved ones all the best for 2011,

  23. What a great poem Eddie! Thanks for

    I wish you very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year..

  24. I love this...! You're quite a poet.

    And I loved seeing your pictures of your Christmas decorations. Wonderful.

    I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year...!

  25. Eddie, I love your new artwork in the header, the pretty Christmas tree. And the photos of the brightly lit houses. And you, raising a toast to our good cheer! Right back at you, my friend across the pond! May the New Year bring you much happiness!

  26. Well, I just don't know what I liked best - the prose, the Christmas lights, or the miniature pony! All genius!
    There is a family a couple of miles from us who raise miniature ponies and they have the most adorable little shed for them - like the cutest child's playhouse you've ever seen! Just adds to the adorableness (is that a word?) of the ponies! The owner, an acquaintance who owned his own business until a couple of years ago, could sometimes be seen in a small cart pulled by two of the ponies. I never seemed to have my camera at hand when I caught him - DARN!

  27. Happy New Year, Eddie,
    to you and your loved ones!

    (Do you have any news about David?)

  28. Happy New Year to my friend Eddie Bluelights!

    Wonderful poem and congratulations on the published poem. I'm off to check it out, naughty huh?

  29. Hello Eddie !!!!.
    New Year-2011 Greetings
    Your Family ...from India.

    Let us begin dancing together today itself with joy and humor and keep it up throught 2011.

  30. A very happy New Year to you and yours, Eddie!

  31. I love your blog, Eddie!
    I left a message on my blog for you...but I wanted to leave it here also. I didn't get your e-mail regarding the escape from the spiraling brick enclosure. I unscrambled the word and sent it to Stewart...and escaped!!!....and as I read his blog, I see that you were attempting to help this damsel in distress. Such a gentleman you always are. My question is... Where is that e-amil..?? Is it circling in cypberspace?? There is an unscrambled word sent somewhere...beyond the pond...and I didn't get it. (Lip poking out!)
    We are fighting upper respitory infections over traveled through my daughter's son has it...and I am getting it. Send the prayers our way, please.
    Happy and healthy new year to you, Eddie!!!
    Warmest smiles from Jackie

  32. Ignore all spelling errors in my above comment... I kan 't spel.

  33. Afternoon and Happy New Year to you!

    CONGRATS on the poem! oh! I must go read it right now!

  34. Dearest Eddie. You are the very epitome of a good man, and a very merry one at that.

    Love yer! Annie XXX

  35. Extension seat belts? I never knew such a thing existed, but it makes sense, doesn't it?

    Eddie, I see all those Christmas lights and wonder if the electric meter spins fast enough to extinguish a candle. That's a lot of juice, but it sure is pretty.

    Merry belated Christmas and happy new year, my fellow knight of the "square table."

  36. Thank you all for your wonderful comments. Hope to get my brain in gear soon for some new posts - hence the hat! LOL


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