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Thursday 5 March 2015


This Friday is the last Random Act Of Kindness week in the series of four for 2015, hosted by the lovely Betsy at My Five Men.

This week I have not been in the position to display a significant RAK because I have been quite busy with bus driving, helping a lady friend gardening on Wednesday and of course looking after baby Peter today and tomorrow.

However, there are three little ones which might add up to a whole. I hope.

One is almost a carbon copy of last week. On Monday whilst driving the bus I was scheduled to pick up a 90 year old lady from an opticians. When I arrived at 12 am at reception, asking for her the receptionist said she had already gone and was worried about how she was going to get home so they rang for a taxi.  She had forgotten she had booked Dial-a-Ride for the return journey and they said she was getting very absent minded.  They were most apologetic and asked me for some leaflets and application forms for our service, which was nice.  On my way home I called in to see if she had got home safely but this time there was no-one there, so I rang the office and they had not heard anything either so they rang her to see if she was ok and I am pleased to say she was. Naturally I was a bit concerned but there was nothing more I could do personally as she obviously did not hear the front door bell.

Also, whilst waiting for a passenger at a supermarket an elderly gentleman stopped me and asked me about our service and said he could do with us next week.  I said, "No problem, sit in the car out of the cold and I will explain everything to you - if you fill in this application form I will take it to the office and fast track it through for you and then as a member you can just ring the office and book the ride." Needless to say he was a happy bunny.

Today, a nice neighbour knocked on my door and I invited her in to see Peter.  She said she and her husband were going on holiday for three weeks, would I look after her house and make sure all the mail and newspapers are put out of sight.  I usually do this for them every year.  I have their key and they have mine just in case I lock myself out . . . 

Today a lovely act of kindness was shown by a good blogging pal, Penny at Alias Jinksy to grandson Peter.  She crocheted a beautiful blanket for him, shown here.  Thank you Penny, you are very kind.

And here is the proud owner, sitting in Grandpa's chair with his cuddle blanket.  I'll be posting about him again soon.

I enjoyed these RAK weeks and reading about kindnesses shown by my fellow blogging friends.

I am linking up with Betsy's RAK week 4 post HERE


  1. Great RAKs - and no, three small ones don't add up to one large one... they are all equally important! :-) To each of those people it was a big one!
    Now is that not the sweetest blanket? What a lovely gesture. And it brings out the beautiful colour of Peter's eyes... the blue that is. Hee hee. xxoo

    1. Thanks Susie ~ and don't forget my eyes are blue too . . . lol
      I liked Betsy's idea . . . . really great was that . . . :) . . . xxoo

    2. Well you'll have to sit in the chair with the blanket so that we can see for sure that they're blue! :-D

  2. Peter's hair is getting thicker and beautiful! What a cutie he is! Lovely blanket, Jinksy! Perfect for snuggling with. I love that you received an RAK as well as gave them.

    Such nice gestures just to check on people and take the time, especially the elderly, just to let them know that they matter. We will all be old some day and we will want to be treated with kindness and respect, too!

    Thanks for joining in each week, Ed. I really appreciate it! And you did an RAK for me, this week, too! :)

    1. Yes . . . boy that lad is going to melt some ladies' hearts later on . . lol
      Yes the elderly matter so much . . . . they still feel the same and have the same needs but it gets more difficult for them as time goes by . . .

      It was a pleasure joining in and I shall try to keep it going as part of life on an on-going basis . . . :) x

    2. I have no doubt you'll continue were doing it before the adventure! :)

      Yes, I think in our minds we feel the same as we did when we were 25 years old...same feelings, emotions, etc. no matter how old we get. We seem to forget the elderly are like that, too....and so many just brush by them. And since I have to live forever, I'm hoping some younger ones treat me well with RAKs when I'm 158. haha.

    3. I think at 158 you will still look as lovely as ever . . . but why not 969 like Methuselah . . . a nice kind Ed will be there somewhere to make sure you are ok . . . :)

    4. ha! Well, I might not have my teeth by smile wouldn't look the same! ha!

    5. lol . . .You'd have to make sure you didn't lose the new ones on a beach in Florida . . . haha!

    6. ha! Oh Linda's boyfriend (if he's still around) would help me find them!

    7. hahah!
      He's only good at finding top teeth . . . . :)

    8. Hahaha!
      Give him time...he will find the lowers!
      Oh...I forgot.....Wanda has the lowers that she also found!
      You are all set!

      Great job Eddie.....keep those RAK's coming!
      Nice blanket for Peter....nice and toasty!
      Have a great weekend...
      Linda :o)

    9. lol . . . thanks Linda.
      Yes I saw about Wanda having the lowers . . . haha
      Yes . . the blanket is nice isn't it? ~ very kind of Pen . . :)

    10. Yes, I did a post about her when she crocheted a blanket for me last year . . . :)

    11. How about a new post, Eddie?
      What are you up to over there?
      Get busy......hahaha!

    12. You little slave driver . . . . lol
      Well . . . . I wrote an ambulance post recently and I don't think you saw it . . . not sure if I am on your radar . . .:
      However, I am writing a new one and will post it soon.
      I have just returned from a very interesting lecture on railways by our Local History Society . . . .
      Get busy indeed . . . . hahaha! . . . . . :)

    13. You little slave driver . . . . lol
      Well . . . . I wrote an ambulance post recently and I don't think you saw it . . . not sure if I am on your radar . . .:
      However, I am writing a new one and will post it soon.
      I have just returned from a very interesting lecture on railways by our Local History Society . . . .
      Get busy indeed . . . . hahaha! . . . . . :)

  3. All wonderful gestures, Eddie. I'm sure each one was appreciated greatly. I know how important it is for people to have their home checked on by someone they trust while they travel. I did that for years while cat/house-sitting for owners who travelled in our area. They always said how much they appreciated not having to worry about things back home. Your Peter is such a handsome little boy. He must love time at grandpa's.

    1. Thanks Deb . . . we are very proud of that little fellow and he does like it here with his big soft Grandpa who spoils him a bit . . . :)

  4. You are so kind and seem to have a very gentle nature. These RAKs were wonderful! Your grandson sure is cute!

    1. Thank you Laurie ~ yes I love him to bits ~ he had his hair trimmed at the weekend . . . lol
      He keeps us all on our toes . . . :)

  5. I'm pleased for you Ed, I know how much you like helping others, I do what I can when I can as well. However, I've learned that you should never try to give advice to modern teenagers, after all they know it all, and I as an old man know nothing so I have been told by one or two!

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Gosh you are up late, Keith, mind you so am I ..
      I know you do Keith, you are very kind.
      Agree with you about SOME modern teenagers . . . but there are still a few decent ones about . . . . :)

  6. I'm here from Betsy's place. Those were all great RAK's! I'm a nurse in a nursing home, so the forgetful lady you checked on really struck me. Your grandson is adorable!

    1. Hi Mari . . .yes I have seen you often at Betsy's.
      My darling recently departed wife, Maria. also worked in a nursing home and I got to know a lot of the residents and I still see some of them ~ I have a meal there sometimes and drive them to the seaside in a bus sometimes when the weather is fine . . . plus staff of course . . . Nice to meet you . . . :)

    2. Sorry to hear of the loss of your wife. I know the staff and residents of the NH are happy you still stop by. :)
      And a trip to the seaside is an added bonus!

  7. Gosh! What happened to Peter?! He's grown so much!
    Jane x

    1. Hi Jane . . . yes he is a big lad . . . I think he is going to be a No 8 rugby forward ~ he is so strong . . . and lifts a little dumbbell . . . . and carries it around . . . lol
      Eddie x

  8. Laughing at "lifts a little dumbbell and carries it around" - how cute is that?!

    1. Yes . . . very cute . . . I shall include that little story in a future post with a piccie . . :)

  9. Beautiful post and lovely blanket!
    Have a nice Friday

    1. Thanks Manu . . . I am fortunate because that kind lady crocheted one for me last year also . . :)

  10. Eddie, you are kind on a daily basis, random or not. Caring for my mom makes me very appreciative of people like you who look out for the elderly.
    The blanket is beautiful and really makes Peter's blue eyes stand out!

    1. Thanks Rose . . . well I try . . but you are too kind . . :)

  11. Kindness on a daily basis is worth way more than a few solitary acts of kindness any day! Love Peter's new blanket and he is a living doll! Lucky little guy AND grandpa to spend time together every week! blessings ~ tanna

    1. Thanks Tanna ~ plenty more stories coming about Peter . . :)

  12. God has given you some wonderful opportunities to lavish kindness upon others. You are blessed.
    And Peter's new cuddle blanket is gorgeous! What a lucky boy he is.

    1. Thanks Martha ~ yes, I guess I am in the right place at the right time sometimes when opportunities present themselves . . . :)

  13. Eddie, it seems to me that you are in a regular business of RAK! I imagine you are a type of person who gives without even thinking about it. Nice to see Peter with that new blanket.

    1. Thanks Michelle ~ I guess I just get lots of opportunities . . . thanks for your kind words too about Peter . . :)

  14. Eddie, you are an angel in human skin. I wish I could be on the route you drive. Would love to be one of your riders. Have a wonderful careful.

    1. Thanks Wanda ~ would be great to have you on the bus . . . :)

  15. Such a lovely blankie for Peter, I love yellow and blue together. As for RAKs, I try to be as kind as possible every day. It's the proper way to live life, isn't it?

  16. Such a lovely blankie for Peter, I love yellow and blue together. As for RAKs, I try to be as kind as possible every day. It's the proper way to live life, isn't it?

    1. Thank you Shammickite ~ yes I agree with you about living and beo=ing kind on a daily basis but this was a little extra for the 4 weeks . . . :)

  17. Thank you everyone for your comments . . . :)


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