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Saturday 3 April 2010

The Sunday Roast

Is This Lady Really Eternally Distracted Or Is It a 'Blogment' Of Her Imagination?

This week's interview is with an Anonymous Lady
who writes the blog, Eternally Distracted .

Thank you for the interview

A very warm welcome to you and your followers

Here's the first of the standard questions. Why do you blog?

I first discovered blogs in March 09 and spent three months stalking bloggers worldwide. I mean really stalking… ‘call the police because I need to know what you had for breakfast’ kind of stalking. I jumped on the bandwagon in June (maybe because I had a particularly nice breakfast and thought others might be interested) and have been hurtling along ever since. I have a fantastic partner, amazing friends and family but sadly most are a sandwich short of a picnic. I laugh at them often and felt it only fair to share. Last but not least I am still looking for my first stalker.

What's the story behind your blog name?

In three words - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
I can’t sit still.My attention span is zero. I can’t concentrate if my clothes are not ironed. My CD’s are in alphabetical order. I love straight lines. I AM Eternally Distracted.

What is the best thing about being a blogger?

I can share stupidity and my need to see the fun in life. If my friends and family complain about me making fun of them I can show them all of your comments and make them believe they are superstars. Mostly I love reading other people’s stories – blogging fulfills my need to be nosey.

What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?

I am a newbie blogger! I have no idea what I am doing but I love doing it – Blogging is a little like life, you get back what you put in. First and foremost – Have fun.

What is the most significant blog post you've ever read?

I have read blogs that have made me pee my pants with laughter, ones that have made me cry and ones that I have thought about for days after reading them. The most significant ones I read are the ‘real’ ones, the raw posts. The kind of posts that I read knowing that someone is baring their soul. I read one recently about a woman’s view of living with her husband who has alzheimer’s, it was so honest and gave me an amazing insight into the struggle of slowly losing someone you love. I have searched all over and cannot find that post to link it – please feel free to add the link if you too have read it.

Obviously the lady was distracted again!! LOL I have also searched, together with some bloggy friends, but so far this remains elusive. Anyone any ideas?

Ah! success - the mystery is solved after a comment was received. Thank you to Secret Agent Woman who has done an admirable piece of detective work living up to your blog name - you deserve a star. The sad post about a lady living with her husband with Alzheimer’s Disease is called Living With Lewis at the blog Guilty With An Explanation. I am just off to have a read myself.

What is the most significant blog post you've ever written?

A Moment Of Reflection is the one that I received the most feedback for although it is not the kind of post that I would normally write. I tend to keep my ‘pedestal’ moments for people like this 'bumbling idiot' of a man I'd Like To See Things From Your Point Of View But . . .
I decided at the beginning that I would not write a blog full of moans and complaints – The one that I love the most is My Little Greek Disaster because it pretty much sums up my reason for blogging.

If you were to suggest two blogs for roasting who would you pick, and why?

Definately Bernie at her blog On My Own because she is one of the sweetest people in bloggyland and despite my occasional use of foul language she still writes lovely comments on all my posts. Another choice must be TechnoBabe because she comments on most of my posts and hopefully sending some more traffic her way will be a good way to say thanks.

Thanks for your recommendations - I will approach both ladies to invite them on the show.

That concludes the formal aspect of the interview but it would be nice to get to know you a little better while you are slowly turning on the roasting spit. So while you are screaming in agony above the open fire here are a few more questions for you.

Pick three things you can't live without (no you cannot have ice cubes to cool you down)

It is impossible for someone as distracted as me to answer this question…erm…I have thought and rethought and now I have a list of forty four…and now fifty…and now I need to move on in case my head explodes.

If we were to make a movie about blogland, what would it be and who would you cast in the leading roles?

I am stuck with this one!

(Obviously too many distractions! LOL - OK I've got two penalty questions for you!)

If you could live your life again who would you be, and why?

Mary Poppins in the morning so that I could snap my fingers and get everything done. After hopping into a few paintings and going to the fairground I could nip round my friend’s house and laugh until we floated on the ceiling.In the afternoon I would want to be Phoebe Buffet. I could go to the coffee shop, sing Smelly Cat and be totally undisturbed by anyone or anything. In the evening I want to be Dawn French because she epitomizes the three F’s - Funny, Fat and Fabulous. I understand it’s impossible to be three people, please understand my eternal distraction…

You have been given a wonderful talent from above. This causes you to make your mark on humanity and be world famous. In which area would prefer: a best selling novelist, a brilliant artist, a gifted musician, a fantastic singer, a charismatic leader, anything you choose, and why?

I just want to be P!nk. That’s all I ask…I want to BE her. I have been to concerts and drooled with the rest of them, I want me some drooling action thank you very much.

If you were an ice cream cone, which flavour would you prefer and who would you most want to lick you?

LOL Pink and P!nk. Pretty please….

Describe in one sentence your perfect day.

Summer, sunshine, smiles, showers, serendipity, shenanigans, silliness, supercalifragilisticexpialidociousness and sex ;0)

If you were a fictional writer which one would you be and why?

JK Rowling because she is very rich and I could buy a feathered boyfriend for our pet parrot Max.

And finally if you have answered all these questions I invite you to ask me one in return - it's the least I can do. OK fire away!

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

After that question I too am Eternally Distracted!!! Well if you must know it's what you can't quite see that's er . . . . . um! So I am told of course! LOL Enough said.

Thank you very much, Eternally, for appearing on the show - don't get too distracted! LOL


Today's Sunday Roast with Eternally Distracted is the 110th in a
weekly series of interviews with bloggers from around the world

This interview will feature in The Roll of Honour
for all published Roasts. To view press HERE

Next week's roast is a 'broad' from abroard, known much better as ExPat Mum


  1. I've ben an ED fan sice I first set eyes on her! Guaranteed giggles all the way.. Keep up the good work, gal.

  2. Eternally Distracted is a person I already know! (I think) She makes me dizzy and I do agree that Bernie from *On My Own* is the kindest, sweetest person.
    I love E.D.'s *to the point* answers. Neat and concise. Yep....... I like that quality!
    Over to see her now.
    Thanks Eddie.

    Nuts in May

  3. nice roast...been following ED for a whole...good peoples...

  4. Oh, what can I NOT say about E.D.? I assume she is a she, though I am not sure about Mec's gender. I used to think he was a he, but ever since she came "out," I am not sure. Mec just SOUNDS like a male to me! I love their conversations, which often make me laugh my head off.

    Terrific interview, ED. I enjoyed it.

  5. Come to Detroit and alphabetize it. My favorite post so far was your granny stealing the pencil. I wonder if they let it through customs duty free when she arrived home.

  6. Great interview, I'm a big fan of her blog!

  7. I am checking out this blog, because I was led here by ED visiting my blog. I just love how this blogging thing is so serendipitous! I have now found two new blogs to follow!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Shelly at Tropical Mum

  8. I too am an ED fan for awhile. She is terrific. This is a great interview. I love her all the more!!

  9. Another big fan of ED here. And of her wee granny! ;) A fine interview.

  10. Thanks for the great roasting Eddie... I'm still smiling ;0))

  11. THAT'S a lot of sssssssssses!! And Mary Poppins! WHAT a great answer! SHE WAS ALWAYS happy! And could sing! And her house was ALWAYS clean but SHE never seemed to be cleaning.... YES..... Mary Poppins....

  12. Great interview Eddie. She is one of my favorite blogs! I ALWAYS laugh!!!Love her take on life...

  13. great interview! I'll be over at E.D. and stalk her...err...I mean follow her :D

  14. Ahhh give such good interview!!!

    I had no idea you'd want to be Mary Poppings...very interesting.

  15. Fun interview, my favorite answer is the three people ED wants to be. teehee

  16. I think Eternally Distracted is my sister- maybe my twin. I don't know. I have the attention span of a two year old and really want to BE Pink as well, so that I can do cool things like swing and sing from a ceiling. Nice interview!! Or roast - but that makes me hungry.


  17. Great interview ED! Enjoyed reading that.

  18. Oh Ed, it's my first visit back here in quite a while, I LOVE how you have tweaked the roast, and made it your own - a great interview from a great blogger, thanks for sharing!

  19. ED has a unique sense of humor that is accepted by stuffy, starchy as well as nutsy and way out there. We all can relate to her funny antics and hilarious family adventures. This is a great post.

  20. I enjoy E.D., her blog wonderful and most always very funny.

    So wonderful of you to honor her this way.

  21. Yes, thanks Eddie...this is a good one, I should sy another good one and another of my fav. bloggers.

    How's the hip?

  22. She is fabulously funny, Eddie!! A wonderful writer and always such fun to read! This roast certainly did not disappoint!! She is as hilarious in her interview as she is in her blog!

    And you handled her snoopy question with amazing delicacy!! You are so sharp!! And that makes you a phenomenal host! Another spectacular roast! Happy Easter to you! Hugs, Janine

  23. Good interview of a blogger I already like.

    And, maybe you're thinking of Heart as the blogger whose husband has Alzheimer's? She's at:

  24. I've been to her blog and find her wonderful - a great read!

  25. Absolutely amazing alliteration, ED!

  26. I loved this roast Eddie, ED is someone we can all learn from and enjoy. Her love and loyalty to her family and friends is amazing and of course her sense of humor is fantastic....okay can you tell I am a huge fan, well I am and I love her just the way she is.
    ..........:-) Hugs

  27. Wow not only is Eternal funny who knew that she was such an amazing person! Eternal if your watching ...I am thankful I found you!!!

  28. and and I am so nosy I will be back! Great questions!!

  29. I'm SO IN LOVE with Eternally Distracted, Imma marry her some day. Who cares about Mec and Larry.

    Who flippin' cares.

  30. Hey Eddie, GREAT Roast Interview this week. I'm a huge Eternally Distracted fan and try to never miss a post. She's such a talented writer laced with great wit and humor-- like her answer to you perfect day question ;-)

    And TechnoBabe is also a great blogger-- Perhaps she'll be a future Roast victim, I mean interview?

    Wishing you both a happy weekend.

  31. Thank you Eddie. And ED, I love the reasons you blog!

    Fun interview.

  32. Yet another great interview and another great blog for me to follow. Thanks :)

  33. This is a wonderful interview. I thouroughly enjoy it and Eternally Distracted. Thanks.

  34. Psst, ED, I am almost certain this will get you noticed by one of the stalker types. We can hope anyway. *fingers crossed* :) Great interview/roast!

  35. Lovely interview as always, Eddie.
    Happy Easter and Peace,
    Lola xx

  36. Lovely interview as always, Eddie.
    Happy Easter and Peace,
    Lola xx

  37. Funny interview of a funny lady!

  38. Very nicely done! I think she is one of the funniest women around the blogging world!

  39. You can always tell a good blogger because their blog just explodes. One day she had 50 followers and then in the blink of an eye, she had hundreds. She is very funny!

  40. Woohoo, lucky me! I came to E.D.'s place to return a visit, enjoyed her site AND found another groovy blog at the same time!

    Great interview - I do them on my blog occasionally too, as the mood strikes. My last one meant the world to me, so it'll be a very tough one to follow.

    I'll be Bach! Or Beethoven... maybe Strauss.

  41. I've read Eternally Distracted and I've enjoyed her posts, too.

    I love these interviews. I love blogging, and I love it when people stick to blogging even though Facebook sucks the life out of some people's blog mojo!

    Keep it up!

  42. I must put this out, forgive me!
    Eternally Distracted! Can you hear me?
    One of your readers thinks you are a man!! How the 'ell did they come to this conclusion?
    Of course I know differently don't I so here is a kiss or three, XXXX.
    I really enjoyed doing this roast even though I nearly got myself into trouble answering your question! LOL

    For ALL the new people I have been blessed to meet PLEASE PLEASE keep coming to read The Sunday Roast published every Sunday and also I write a lot of other nonsense during the week as well!

  43. What a charming and delightful interview! I didn't know of this site but have bookmarked it so I can belly up here often.

    Thank you, Eternally Distracted, for your lovely comments about my post, Living With Lewis, and thank you, Secret Agent Woman, for providing the link. I really appreciate the outpouring of kindness I received after writing that post, and I'm a huge fan of both those ladies.

  44. just started following eternally distracted and am now hooked!

  45. Great roast - nice to get to know you better. Nice to know why you named your blog what you did!

  46. This was great! Glad I stopped by.

  47. Aaaah-ha-ha-ha! I love Eternally Distracted. She's on the top of my regular reading list. So great interview, Eddie, and fun answers ED!

  48. Oh she's gorgeous. And her blog is nice and perfect.

  49. great interview.. i learned from it.

  50. It's always gr8 to read about a blogger. Thanks for sharing.

  51. I like this idea! I've been following ED for a while and she's a good choice for the interview. I can think of a few more that I follow, too! Nice job.

  52. Fabulous interview and roast! Enjoyed learning about ED and gaining an insight to her blog. Loved her answers and the comments are great, too! I will definitely be visiting soon. Thanks to both of you!

  53. Well I already stalk ED and know how funny she is but it's great to have her put on a pedestal for all to realise just how fab, fun and flirty she is haha

  54. You stalked for three months? While being distracted by your CDs?

    I have never stalked. Not out of principal, or anything like that, I just haven't!

    When you say your CD's are alphabetical do you mean within that they are ordered too? So it is



    Artist,Release Date




    I hope I'm not giving you ideas.

  55. Thoroughly enjoyable and got my day off to a goofy-grin start. Thanks!

  56. Well that was one of the kinder roasts I've ever seen! Nicely done, nicely done indeed.

  57. Had a lot of fun doing this one with Eternally Distracted.
    Thanks for all your comments ~ Eddie

  58. Hey Eddie, I'm venturing back as a newbie again so popped back to read my last roast! Once I'm back on my blogging feet hopefully the new blog will enjoy more of the Eternally Distracted fame. Anyhoo, glad to have found you again, I will get the new blog up and running and will be back here to stalk you soon! Love ya catrillions of zillions


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