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Wednesday, 23 April 2014


(Man working hard - please interrupt at once)

Jobs are beckoning in the garden and the remaining member of 'the heavy mob' will soon arise from his inactivity and from the ashes to tackle some much needed  renovations, screaming at him whenever he passes them by. With the warmer weather coming it will be a pleasure to venture outside again and do some destructive and creative work. I'm not sure which I prefer, destructive or creative, but I do like using that power kango breaker.  I will post some of these projects as they arise.  

Also I have a major project at my daughter's and son-in-law's house in Bath to share with his mother, also a recent widow, just three months after my loss which was equally tragic. We have a large hedge to demolish and some extensive gardening alterations which we can share. Perhaps we should clone ourselves into a small army - boy, don't we need them!

On Saturday 26 April a year will have passed since my darling wife, Maria, was taken from me. We had been married for 40 years.  During her illness and when she passed I felt as if  I had been hit with a sledge hammer, and still do sometimes, but the distressing flashbacks are becoming less frequent.  Quite frankly, I did not feel like doing anything right up until now, since my heart was not in gardening or extensive house cleaning or in anything, barring the absolute essentials of life. Gradually I am getting my life together and I hope things will become a little easier once the first anniversary has passed.  But life is very lonely.

Last year was very difficult and I dreaded being in the house by myself, but fortunately something told me to contact our local Dial-A-Ride service last July, just two months after Maria's death.  I had worked there four years ago for a while and I was astounded when the manager said the day before a paid driver had walked out and would I be interested in a six week contract.  I said, "Yes, when do you want me to start?".  He said, "Tomorrow, four days a week!".  It was as if Maria had been bossing the angels about because I had been prompted to approach Dial-A-Ride at exactly the right  moment.  

Further, my son secured a job without even having to try!  He had been looking for menial work for about three weeks, with no success and he was getting a bit depressed.  He wanted something to earn some money while he studied for his Open University Degree. Out of the blue, my next door neighbour, who runs a computer company, approached him and offered him more than a job, in fact a career!  He loves the work and it is entirely complimentary with his degree work.  He is doing very well there and they are all pleased with him. Strange - I wonder if Maria somehow had a hand in that?  Also, the other day I was looking for a new shower curtain and couldn't find one.  Something prompted me to open a cupboard door and when I opened it guess what fell out all by itself and landed on the floor? Yes, a new shower curtain! Isn't that amazing! I would not have been surprised if  her handwritten note was attached to it saying, "What took you so long? . . . . . and here is a list of things you need to do!"

Anyway, that Dial-A-Ride job lasted much longer than 6 weeks.  In fact they wanted me for 5 months and I loved it!  It got me out of the house and gave me a focus and you will imagine what fun I had with the passengers.  They miss me dreadfully. because regrettably, there is not sufficient resource available for me to continue there as a regular paid driver.  Two ladies cried!  Several complained I was leaving!  But I still drive for them as a volunteer every Friday and I always look forward to that. It was rather similar to my Ambulance days with the interaction of patients which was nice.  Always I loved making them laugh. I am looking around for something to keep me out of trouble for about 2 days a week.

In October I was blessed with the birth of my first grandchild, Peter, who is now six months old and doing very well. He started life at 7 lbs and now he is 17 lbs and growing fast.  Hasn't he got beautiful big blue eyes?  He is so alert, lively and inquisitive and likes giving big, sloppy wet kisses - Aww! dribble, dribble!  He had his first piano lesson the other day, walking up and down the keys! What a horrible noise.  I can see he is going to break a few hearts later, can you?

It is such a shame that Maria did not see him - she was so looking forward to the grands. Yet somehow I think she is smiling as she looks down from Heaven.

So, hopefully I can soon start to enjoy life again to the full, and give it a TEN out of TEN

 Until the next time!


  1. That top picture makes you look like a bit of a stirrer?! LOL

  2. How could you, Jinsky! LOL
    I just couldn't believe you'd say that about Bluelights, so I looked up the word, stirrer . . . . . . . and my first thoughts were confirmed:

    "A person who intentionally causes trouble!"

    Well, yielding that great thing then I suppose, Yes! lol

    1. No, not trouble, Eddie - Just think what size Christmas pudding you could stir with a tool like that?!

    2. A gynormous one! But the vibrations would shake it to bits! lol

  3. It certainly sounds as though Maria is taking care of you and looking over you and your family in so many ways. I am so sorry that you have had a rubbish year, but I am glad to hear that it is starting to look a little better and that things are looking up. It sounds as though you are heading along with life and that you have plenty to keep you busy and out of mischief - which I can imagine you could easily end up in Eddie! Take care of yourself and keep going. xx

    1. Thanks Amy.
      I don't mind having a rubbish year, I could put up with anything really, but losing Maria was so dreadfully hard.
      Yes, but life has to go on - I might be around on planet Earth for 20-30 years so I have to build a new life.
      I will keep going! xx

  4. awww...what a face on that grand...smiles...i know that was def a high point for you...
    and go easy on yourself....grieving is a process and it takes time...
    and hopefully as the anniversary passes you do feel a bit more energy...

    1. Thanks Brian - yes grieving takes time.
      And yes . . . . . little Peter was and is a high point!

  5. It's good to see you smiling and heading back into the things that make you happy. And make others happy. Your grandson is just adorable. It's heartbreaking that Maria never got to meet him. My dad passed away 30 years ago, last week - a year before the first of his four grandchildren were born. He would have been over the moon in love with them, as I'm sure Maria would have been with your grandkidlet. Keep on enjoying life.

    1. Thanks Hilary. Pity about your Dad too!
      Yes, I'll try to keep happy - it will get easier as time passes.

  6. The cycle of life. It our family, it was the same way. My mother was 79 when she passed way, but will herself to live just long enough that a new grandson was born. Your little grand is just adorable...look at those BLUE eyes. Out of a doz grandchildren, only 2 have blue eyes... Sending hugs and smiles.

    1. Thank you Wanda
      Glad you saw him on my blog - he is really special to me, as indeed are the remaining family.

  7. HI Eddie, what a precious Grand. I am sure Maria is smiling down from heaven.
    What beautiful blue eyes too. They are such a blessing.
    I haven't clogged for a year. I hope to get back to it soon. Glad I could share Earth day with you. Hugs, Linda

    1. Thanks Linda - thought I saw you in Gloria's kitchen admiring her
      Crema brulée a la vainilla.
      Nice to see you. Hugs, Eddie

  8. Ah Peter is adorable:)))
    And I know is difficult for you be alone and of course you.miss your wife dear Eddie.
    You have to be patient.
    And youknow you can coming to visit my blog any time
    I think you was so busy lol
    A big hug!

    1. Thank you darling! lol
      Always great to see you and glad you love my little Peter :)
      Yes I will be patient - a year is not a long time to adjust is it?
      But better than it was.

      I am never too busy to see you and write.
      Take care and hugs ~ Eddie x

  9. Happy things are going better for you, Eddie. So hard. Funny how things can fall in place to help up make our way even when we feel we're blindly stumbling. That grand boy is beautiful.

    And, now I must go out and hoe my garden. Got it planted, but now the yucky part - weeding.

    1. Hi Julie
      Great to see you here and thanks for your comment and considerate words.
      Good luck with the gardening and thr yucky part. Hugs ~ Eddie

  10. Oh, I do love this post. Taylor and Lauren are due any moment for dinner so I'll be back later tonight to comment more at length! xo

    1. Thank you Betsy!
      Always nice to have you here - I'll put the kettle on for your return.

    2. And here I thought that kango breaker was you gearing up for a pedicure! hahaha....

    3. Hey you are having the big kids round for dinner!
      Get on with your cooking!!!! ROFL

      I love that Kango Breaker!! LOL
      Have you any teeth needing filling?

    4. was all done and I was just waiting for their arrival!
      And look at you in that red're sitting on the wrong side and driving on the wrong side of the road again, I see! haha.

      Anyway, I love how you're getting little signs that God and Maria and looking down on you. The shower curtain was really something!

      That little Peter is just adorable. What a blessing he must be!

    5. Yes, the steering wheel was on the right side - somehow they put then on the wrong side in US and Canada and everyone has to drive on that side of the road!

      Yes it makes me wonder sometimes - these coincidences! Waiting for the next one!

      Yes little Peter is a blessing! :)

    6. wrong side...right's all relative, isn't it? Still, your way looks so wrong to me! hahaha....

      If you wake up some morning and the vacuum is beside your bed, you can be sure God and Maria think the floors need some attention! lol.....

    7. I know! . . . . but your's looks so wong to me!
      Actually GB is wrong because in Europe all the cars are driven on the right like you! Trust us Brits to be different LOL

      I'm expecting the vac to be there at any time now . . . . plus the duster . . . . plus the ironing board . . . . . plus a long should have done list LOL

    8. Are you saying that the picture on Keith's blog was really YOUR living room? haha.

    9. ROFL
      Well . . . . . . . . not yet!
      The second law of thermodynamics has not progressed to that degree yet!
      I think an audible voice would be heard from on high telling me to get off my butt before it got that bad. haha!

    10. haha...well, I didn't really think so! You've cleaned up a bit recently when guests were coming over!

    11. A mad scramble to get things into some sort of order before they come!! LOL
      But several of them are surprised and have remarked that I am managing to keep it all going OK.
      Yet no-one! and I mean no-one would come close to the condition that Maria kept it when she was here - absolutely spotless and NO dust allowed anywhere!! lol

    12. Well, nobody expects you do keep it like Maria did. I mean, you're a man...that would be utterly impossible! LOL! But I'm sure it's very presentable. No dust? My oh my. Although I did my best to tackle the dust in our house the last few days. I've made a good dent into it, too! haha.

    13. No kidding! No woman could keep a house as clean and spotless as she!! . . . . let alone a man!! ROFL

  11. We'll...I now see the soft side of Eddie♥️
    You seem to be doing well...I day at a time...easy does it
    Your sense of humour has certainly helped you along Eddie♥️
    My oldest daughter will be 40 on April 26....sorry that it is such a sad day for you...
    It was one of my favorite dates...funny eh?
    Keep'll make it...
    My brother died when he was 37....and left a 6 year old son....always wonder why....
    Ok...enough....I enjoyed your post....very sensitive of you...
    Enjoy your evening..
    Linda :o)

    1. Well hello Linda!
      You see there are many sides to me, including the soft side you have just discovered LOL.
      Yes my sense of humour (gosh you've spelt it correctly!! with a u (lol)) has certainly helped me and I don't think I shall ever lose it, come what may. Mind you it gets me into a wee spot of trouble sometimes and people think I am nuts at first but after a while they discover I am a nice, entertaining, exciting, and thoroughly engaging man, as you have discovered yourself lol - ask Betsy LOL. . . . . . she'll tell you!
      My daughter is 32, and son is . . . . . . oh why not . . . . . . I'll find your email and write to you, to give you those details. And I want to share a couple of poems with you.

      Glad you liked the post and I will have one more cup of coffee before turning into bed.
      Speak soon. Eddie :o)

    2. I forgot....
      Your grandson is a real cutie♥️

    3. Thinks Linda
      Must run in the family! lol

  12. I have to agree with Jinksy, but I do admire your sense of humor! LOL And your little grandson is precious! He is such a cutie pie!

    Good luck with your gardening projects, especially your begonia patch. LOL I will look forward to hearing about them. Cheers!

    1. "Such Cutie Pie!"
      Love that expression.

      Thanks for your faith in my gardening capabilities - I hope to have several species of begonias cultivated this summer. The ground requires a bit of clearing first though and some weeds have to be removed.

  13. So very pleased that life seems to be opening up for you again. You sound as though you're waking from a hibernation!
    You've been very bravely plodding on, which is all one can do really....... eventually things get easier, so I've heard.
    I'm thinking of Maria and all of you as the anniversary of her death approaches.

    Little Peter looks gorgeous! Those lovely, piercing blue eyes! Beautiful colour!

    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

    1. Thanks Maggie - more like waking up out of 'suspended animation' - dreadful experience!

      The positive things, like little Peter, should gain the upper hand soon.

      And such big eyes too.

      Eddie x

  14. Eddie, it is GOOD to see you returning to Blogland and beginning to pick up the pieces of your life since Maria's passing. I have to agree that she is looking out for you to keep you busy and helping others, as you obviously LOVE to do by sharing your sense of humor with us all =-) I certainly look forward to seeing more stories on the gardening front and how your big projects progress...but do be careful with that monstrous piece of equipment!

    1. Great to see you Monica and I had better be careful with that monstrous piece of equipment hadn't I? Could be worse - it could be a chain saw!

  15. Eddie come to see my new post:))

    1. How can I refuse a nice one eyed Chilean lady?
      Your wish is my command lol

  16. Hi Eddie - thanks for coming over and commenting and thus getting in touch. My thoughts for tomorrow as you had a glorious life with Maria ... but as you say she appears to be making sure life will be happy for you without her .. a new grandson, work, work for your son .. and lots to do now those gardens do grown, and maintenance always waiting to be done ..

    Cheers and I hope to keep more in touch after the A-Z .. all the best Hilary

  17. Wow - that kango breaker looks lethal. Don't point it at me!

    I am glad to hear that things are getting better day by day. The first anniversary is so hard, isn't it? But you are doing very well, Eddie and certainly you seem to be getting signs from above that you are!

    Your grandson is adorable - bluer than blue eyes. He must fill you with hope. What a sweet lad.

    I will be thinking about you tomorrow (as I do every day) and hope that the loving memories of Maria will submerge the grief a bit. Be kind to yourself.

    Love and hugs,
    Suzie xox XOX xox

    1. Thank you Suzie
      Very kind and thoughtful words and for that I will not point the kango breaker at you lol.

      Yes, I am very fortunate to have baby Peter. When he is a little older I shall be looking after him for 2 days a weeks and his Grannie and Grampie will be looking after him for 3 days.

      Love and hugs

  18. Hi Eddie, just love the colour of your background. Is it sort of dark shit-brown, or sort of medium dog-poo brown?

    I can't comment on your page from home because, like Betsys blog (Wonderful woman!) my IP address is blocked so I have to come to the public library to comment. Bit of a drag, and I wonder if it's worth the trip. . . . . .

    Sent from Earl Shilton library.

    1. Thanks Keith, I chose it for entertaining turds like you LOL. That reminds me I must get some toilet paper in!! Thanks for jogging my memory. LOL
      Otherwise, glad you like the colour.
      Shame the IP address won't work! I've noticed you can't comment on quite a lot of blogs. I tried to get you onto my side bar so I can access your blog address quickly but it won't let me do that! Wonder why?
      Strange Betsy and I can comment at your place and you can't at our's. Do you use a laptop?

  19. Eddie - I want one of those portable mini jackhammers (or whatever you call them over there.) I don't have any jobs around the house where it would be useful, but I'd love to just walk down the street carrying the thing. I think I might turn it on and start knocking things off of cars playing their stereos too loudly in residential areas.

    Congratulations on the grandchild! I'll bet he grows up thinking his Grandpa is one of the funniest people on Earth. Lucky kid!


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