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Saturday 6 February 2010

The Sunday Roast

So This Is The Girl From Cherry Blossom Street!

Photo copyright Jet Fandialan

Today I am thrilled to introduce one of the nicest people in BlogLand - a gifted photographer and talented writer with her own distinctly unique poetic style. She makes us want to read and re-read her work, every post.

This week's interview is with
The Girl From Cherry Blossom Street

Thank you for appearing on the show and a very warm welcome to you and your followers.

Why do you blog?

I blog because I am a wanderlust. The world is fascinating. Human behaviour is interesting. What moves one to write and why? Concomitant to that, I happen to write, take photographs and preserve them. (I have yet to succumb to the idea of plurking and tweeting.)

What’s the story behind your blog name?

I've moved from one location to another. Home is not a place I can pinpoint all over the map. I could only share, perhaps even to the point of sensationalism, snippets of events from whatever memories I have of the only street I could remember. I have so many stories to tell about that place. Sadly, I am not a storyteller. I'm simply the girl from Cherry Blossom Street.

What is the best thing about being a blogger?

The unearthing of treasures and pleasures in different forms makes blogging worthwhile. This includes self-discovery.

What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?

I don’t give advice. It's not my style.

What is the most significant blog post you’ve ever read?

Polish that Silver...A Christmas Tale at My Castle In Spain.
It is about hope and kindness. Unbeknownst to Lala, her blog inspired me to create one.

What is the most significant blog post you’ve ever written?

I don't know about that. But I will say this. There is always truth to my meandering and maundering.

If you were to suggest blogs for roasting who would you pick, and why?


Pick three things you can't live without (no you cannot have ice cubes to cool you down)

Literature, epicure, and...what else rhymes with ure?... grandeur!?

If we were to make a movie about blogland, what would it be and who would you cast in the leading roles?

I'd endeavor on a documentary, something like WrapUpAfrica .

It's a shame the blog has been inactive for over a year now. I would solicit help from my friend, a humanitarian, Another Lifetime. I also would like to point out how beautifully she conjures up words. What I write in a paragraph she sums up in one compelling sentence. "I will never know when something will be nevermore until it so becomes."

I would be remiss if I didn't consult with the following:

Sniffles and Smiles, who's clearly a genius. "When he turned three, I taught him to tackle the problems of the world."

She Writes radiates compassion. When love breaks, when things get broken, she remains strong for her friend, protects people she loves and stays true to herself. That is a tough job.

Unforgettable images like Sunrise by Merisi are a must! She never fails to deliver.

Windy Skies has a knack for pointing out that there are always two sides to every story.

Every human being has a story to tell. Coolbluewaters captures and conveys those stories in portraits.

Lo que trae el mar, cada dia a la playa for his remarkable photography.

We also need friends who make us winners from time to time! Isn't that right, Mr, Eddie Bluelights?

They would serve to be my mentors. We could definitely rule the world!

(Brilliant! Listen folks! This girl is a natural winner and for that she deserves a Pony and Riding Lessons! - agreed?)

If you were an ice cream cone, which flavour would you prefer and who would you most want to lick you?

Monsieur M voudrait parler avec vous.

(Gosh! I'm in big trouble now methinks. . . um . . er. . next question!)

Describe in one sentence your perfect day.

My perfect day starts with café noir, a book, then a long drive around an island, accompanied by Nina Simone's Wild is the Wind, my camera, and mon chéri, bien sûr!

If you were a fictional writer which one would you be and why?

If I were a poet or a writer I would be either Neruda or García Márquez. The former is known for his ambrosial words, the latter I find perspicacious.

Or Guy de Maupassant for his wit.

And finally, since you have answered all the questions I invite you to ask me one in return - it's the least I can do. OK fire away! I wonder what it will be?

What do you regret more: things you have done or things you haven't done?

Crumbs! Why couldn't you ask me something simple like Breeze, "Boxer's, Briefs or Commandos?" or "Who's my favourite blogger?" Your question reminds me a lot of church when we get it all wrong and all start praying about leaving things undone which should be done, etc! At that point I always think I ought to check my trousers! LOL. Right, my answer must be 60-40 in favour of regretting what I have not done because I know I could have made a bigger contribution to humanity. In addition I would like to be well travelled, a fantastic concert pianist and be highly successful in everything I do, but to be a nice chap as well. As for the things I have done - well in the main I have no regrets other than letting my heart rule my head once or twice . . and that is all I am saying on this subject until I reach the Pearly Gates! Do you think they will let me in?

Thank you for your delightful interview, Cherry, and I hope your life blossoms in every good way possible for you.


Today's Sunday Roast by The Girl From Cherry Blossom Street
is the 102nd in a weekly
series of interviews with bloggers from around the world. ________________________________________________

This interview will feature in The Roll of Honour
for all published Roasts. To view press

Next week, Michelle Hickman


  1. What a wonderful interview Eddie!! I must confess I have not met sweet Cherry and I ma glad I have now. She is a delight and I must now go visit her blog!! Thank you both so much!

  2. Ah! Someone I *know*. Cherry is a lovely blogger who obviously loves The Arts.
    I like her decisive answers!
    I must go over now and say what a good interview!
    Well done, Eddie!

    Nuts in May

  3. I enjoyed this one tremendously.

    Thank you.

  4. Eddie, I am thrilled to see The Girl from Cherry Blossom Street here! One of my favorte interviews you have done. I have been fascinated by her photography and lyrical prose since I first started reading her.

    Dear TGFCBS, I am humbled and beyond touched to see what you wrote about me. It is especially lovely because it comes from a writer I have followed and admired. Thank you!


  5. nice. love the tone set with her answers. looks like travel in some similar circles as well. hope you have a great weekend eddie!

  6. Most interesting blog and interview Eddie.

  7. A wonderful interview, as always, by you Eddie. And another blog o take a gander of.

  8. Really enjoyed this!! I enjoyed the roast and the question to you Eddie!
    will run over and check out her blog now..!can't wait!

  9. And of course, Cherry, I am honoured you included me in such fine company for your documentary - Thank you ~ Eddie

  10. Okay, dear Eddie...once again, you force me out of hibernation...See what effort I make?...we are in the midst of a blizzard on this coast of the Atlantic...

    But over on your side of the pond, you are roasting one of my all-time favorites! Truly a star! Her words are always thought-provoking, deep, and pure poetry in motion...Her photography is awe-inspiring...and she is a beautiful lady, inside and out. I could go on and on...Yes, indeed, I am a HUGE fan of The Girl From Cherry Blossom Street!!

    And so it is, my dearest Cherry, that I am honored, humbled, and truly flabbergasted that you should mention me here...thank you! I am grateful beyond words for your kindness... Your words mean so very much...and inspire me to reach for the stars...

    But, I cannot let your mind-boggling attribution go without comment, and so I must leave a retort...After all, my mouth is twitching...genius?!? I don't think so...You are MUCH too kind...unless you refer to my ability to get myself into horrendous scrapes...I DO have a genius for getting myself into trouble...ROFL...

    Well, Sir have done it again!!! A perfect roast! A fabulous interview! And all with your wonderfully "warm-and- witty-interviewing" style! Truly a delight! Many thanks as well as much love to both you and Cherry!! This was an extraordinary and truly unforgettable feast!! Beyond all doubt, it was worth poking my head out from under the snow for this classy celebration...Hugs, Janine

  11. Haven't met this blogger before although I follow Sniffles and Smiles. I must check her out!

  12. Great interview. I love meeting new bloggers. (New to me, that is.)

  13. Oh you have nice friends, Eddie.
    For those who left lovely comments on here (and mine) - thank you!

    Thank you, Sir Bluelights!

  14. Dear Eddie,
    thank you for interviewing one of my favorite bloguettes, the enchanting girl from cherry blossom whom i actually call the blossom girl...Every time i read her, i literally fall under her charm, she intrigues me and her voice is so unique. On top of that, imagine how touched i am to read that one of my posts inspired her to start blogging..
    Many thanks for this great interview!
    And a big kiss to the loveliest cherry blossom girl !

  15. Another great roast Eddie - I love reading about people I had no idea about :0)

  16. I have long been a fan of your writing, O Girl From Cherry Blossom Street. You have style, verve and a refreshing presentation. I would love to see you as a published author. I have no doubt that you will be in print one day.

  17. Really enjoyed this!! I enjoyed the roast and the question to y

    Work from home India

    ou Eddie!

  18. Graces girl of the cherry blossom.
    Graces to quote me... Loved to be present in your blog...
    That it is lovely.
    Thanks to all.

  19. good questions, intriguing answers...a great interview!! love the Girl from Cherry Blossom Street. Gorgeous picture too!

  20. Thanks for interviewing one of my favourite bloggers.

    She brings a certain mystical quality to her writing, almost as if on a perpetual quest to within and without, and the lovely pictures of course.

  21. Congrats Cherry. You really deserved theinterview.

    Thank you Eddie for the enlightening interview:)
    Good job Sir!

    It's no doubt you are my inspiration. To me, writing, singing, producing art....are ways to showcase our talent to the world...and it's another to communicate to the world.

    When our works touched others, we then only realize that for the above...the reason behind is a mission to create, share and contribute to the society!

    In a way, self discovery is also important, it helps us grow positively. As we give away and sharing the best of out pieces...we will receive more than we expected!

    I love you and thanks for finding me, I love to read your every words...eventhough some are too had to comprehend...I need a dictionary for such..He..He..


Thank you for your comment. You are most welcome to my humble abode.