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Wednesday 11 June 2014


Photo via Magpie Tales Poetry Prompt


Through a secret door of time and space
My mind raced back to that golden sunny afternoon.

I replayed our conversation, over and over;
Searching in vain for unrecorded words, I longed to hear.

I hoped upon hope your lips might have spoken them,
As we walked together hand in hand along a lazy river bank.

And when I paused to steal a kiss and fleetingly meet your heart,
Just three little words were all I wanted you to say.

Yet no matter how many times I rewind and replay the tape,
These words remain elusive, and your heart remains your own.

Perhaps if I fast forward a little further . . .  maybe into my soul and imagination . . . . 

I may yet hear you say . . . . . 

"I love you!"

♥  ♥  ♥  

Written for Tess and The Mag 223

Recently I joined The Magpie. It is a fun weekly exercise when a subject is provided for us every Sunday, to galvanise our cerebral hemispheres into action.

I hope you enjoyed my first effort  - the ever romantic Eddie!

I am afraid the gardening has gone to pot, yet again!


  1. You entered into the spirit of things with your first Mag, Eddie. Here's to many more. :-)

    1. Thanks Pen
      A little different for me was this :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Kathy and great seeing you here again.

  3. Just lovely, Eddie....really...
    Are you sure you didn't write this for Maria? ♥️
    I used to read Tess's blog a few years too OUT there for me...
    I do enjoy her Willow Balls though...where you pretend to be somebody else!
    Enjoy your out to the garden! hahaha!
    Linda :o)

    1. What a pleasant surpise to see you here so early - it must be my engaging personality!! ROFL
      No, the poem was purely imaginary with no person in mind . . . you see if it had have been a real person then she would have said, "I love you!", wouldn't she? LOL (Who AM I kidding? LOL)
      Yes, I am about to get into the real world into the garden. :)


  4. its hard when you know....but you can not get the words to come out...
    and only hope...and maybe fear what you might get in return when you do....

  5. Look at you go
    All romantic at your show
    Find plenty of words in toe
    But can't spit them out at ones show
    Maybe a good laxative is needed
    Then all the crap words will be seeded lmao

    1. Welcome young Pat to my forum
      But you should display more decorum
      But with your laxative you are late
      I needed it by yesterday's date (LOL)
      If I had written another verse
      My words would have been more terse!

  6. Just consider your garden to be a horticultural hospice, and continue to write the beautiful poetry!

    1. Why thank you Eva
      Anyone know a gardener they can recommend? LOL

  7. Eddie, I enjoyed this written endeavor and, may I say, I also enjoyed your reply to Pat's comment :)

    1. Thank you Michelle - I am really pleased you liked it.

      And as my reply to Pat - no doubt it made you laugh. Should I say just a little flash of inspiration!! LOL :)

    2. . . . . or should I say, "A flush of inspiration!" ROFL

  8. Hi Eddie, and here I am. Nice to meet you and thanks for the friendly invitation. I have just finished a bit of reading about you and your past, but will come back for deeper insights, e.g. if you still live in/near Bristol. I had a business partner there for many years, but visited his premises but once and only remember 'Clifton's suspension bridge'. We usually met at the Chelsea Flower Show or in Birmingham at the Glee fair.
    As I had met you at Betsy's several times before, I was already accustomed to your priceless British humour. But I couldn't have imagined, what a romantic heart and soul you have! This fits in perfectly with my present reading, as I am devouring a book about Lord Byron, Mr. Shelley and Miss Mary Wollsonecraft. OmG. What utter turmoil! I guess, I could be called romantic too. I have a love for poetry, (still) pink dresses and Newton Abbey, but in reality I prefer my nice, sober little existence
    Dear Mr. Bluelights, as it is past midnight, this will have to do for today. But I am looking forward to meet you again! Good night! Christel
    P.S. In case you didn't check the comments at my blog, I will repeat it here: if you scroll down my sidebar, you will get "RSS Feed", press it and you will be informed of every new post...

    1. Well, Christel, what a pleasant surprise to see your very interesting comment tonight. Yes the Clifton Suspension Bridge and the gorge is . . . . well . . . . gorgeuos!

      And all those literary giants you are assossiating me with . . . . oh!" I am so flattered! Yes, you never know with Bluelights, one moment he will make you laugh your socks off and the next he will have reaching for a box of tissues.

      I will jump onto my moon beam and check your comments and press RSS Feed on your sidebar.

      Very nice to meet you ~ Eddie

  9. Of course it must be Miss WollsTonecraft and DOWNton Abbey. So sorry! Must be to bed really...

    1. You are very charming, Country Charm . . . and no need for apologies.

  10. Hi Eddie. You've always been a terrific writer.
    I cannot write...and I make no apologies for it. Some people have the gift (you)...and some don't (me.)
    But, I do enjoy reading, so it was a pleasure to be here to read your first work at this new site you've joined.
    Now....get yourself out to your garden and Garden!! You hear Jackie! :)
    Have a beautiful week, my friend.

    1. Jackie, it is so great to have you here with me post after post . . . you are so special and a great friend.
      You are too kind about my writing! I am sure the 'purists' would cringe at my style and delivery.
      Never say never, Jackie - maybe you might be able to write. If you want to why not join something like this or I have another group I am joining where experienced writers make constructive criticisms and bring people along to a higher standard.

      OK I will obey - to the garden I go . . . . lol . . . . :)l

  11. Great first effort Eddie! Really, is it your first? Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. Nice to "meet" you too!

    1. Thank you "Other Mary" . . . . since I have no Mary in my life there is no need to use the word "other" is there? . . . . lol
      Yes, this is my first piece for this type of group writing . . . but I have written poems on my blog, noteably two about my dear wife when she died last year and several others. I'll pop over and have another read.


  12. I enjoyed it, Eddie. The garden can wait. Write, write!

    1. Your wish is my command - "To hell with the garden - a pen, a pen, my kingdom for a pen!" . . . . thanks Julie - always great to see you.

  13. You'll hear those words again. In time. Keep the echo in your head for now, for said, they surely were. Beautiful piece.

    1. "The Shadow of your Smile!" . . is a song I think of whenever you grace my blog with your presence!
      "But of course I shall hear those words again, woman! - this is Eddie Bluelights you are talking to. Ladies swoon whenever they hear my name (I wish!!) !!!" ROFL

      Seriously - thank you for your very kind words . . . . . and I think I am about to cry . . . . sob! sob!
      I love this sort of writing. Speak soon ~ Eddie

  14. Nice job on the writing attempt. I think those of us that are "close to the land" (thru gardening perhaps) are all romantics at heart. I know I am. Keep up the writing. And the gardening!

    1. Thank you Don - I will be over to see your garden attempts a little later.
      Maybe I should combine the two and write in the garden!!

  15. Ah Eddie you are really romantic:)

    1. That's what I keep trying to tell you, but you won't listen!!! . . . . . . lol
      Thanks Gloria - glad you liked it!

  16. Im sure I let a message Eddie!
    I said aww you are a romantic....with all women lol

    1. Well you really make me blush sometimes Gloria!
      Does that include you, I wonder? LOL . . . . .
      I shall be getting quite a reputation soon, shan't I?

      Your original comment is there plus my reply, but I think blogger seems to be a bit shy and hides it now and again.

      Seriously, Gloria, thank you very much for your warm comment.

      Now remember to cook me something really nice when I come to see you on your blog . . . . . :)

    2. Ha! Come on Eddie you have a lot of ladies that will cook something lovely for you lol

    3. Yes but your cooking is the best and I can taste the delights of your Chilean recipes! . . . . lol

    4. You are on great form tonight Gloria.
      Is your lovely daughter a bit better today and I hope the pain is going away :)

    5. Yes she is better!thanks Eddie!

  17. I used to have one of those old tape recorders, great aren't they? Unfortunately I had to have it put down because I lost the winding-up handle.

    1. Shame you had to have it put down because of the missing wind up handle. Well it didn't need a wind up handle Keith; you do quite enough winding up without one! ROFL

      My dad had a Revox no less and before that a Ferrograph fed through into Quad valve amplifiers - a wonderful sound.

    2. Now you tell me! No winding handle? I suppose it works off this new fangled electrical stuff to wind the spring up then? Ah, those were the days. I also had a Ferrograph, it was a second hand one I bought from the BBC when they were upgrading the Radiophonic Workshop. (That is NOT a wind up, it's true. That's where Daphne Oram created the original Dr Who theme)

    3. Fascinating background to yout Ferrograph, Keith.
      Might make an interesting post.

  18. For a new guy you did pretty good. You have a way with words. Welcome aboard.

    1. Thanks Gail - and I shall be there weekly
      Very encouraged by your comment :)

  19. Inventive and quite enjoyable...

    1. Thank you - I aim to stop by at your place soon :)

  20. Fast forward, rewind, fast forward. Future... past... future. Best if we just stay in the moment, I often think. But difficult to achieve. Lovely poem.

    1. A bit like a time machine!
      Nice to ramanticize but probaby better to just sit on the forward arrow of time and not look back if we can . . . or forwards either, just one day at a time.

      But, listen, silly, if I had done that then I would not have written the poem, would I? ROFL
      Honestly!!!! lol

      Glad you liked it :)

  21. You've got her've got her kiss...Good God, Eddie, stop hitting replay! Don't you know how to push HER buttons? lol.... ducking...running...giggling....ok...running faster and hiding.

    joking..joking, really! hahaha....

    1. Oh I see my mistake now!! . . . . . I should have realised all she wants me to do is to press fast forward!! . . . . . . cheeky!

      I don't know! . . . . what am I going to do with you? lol

  22. A wonderful write Eddie....the poet in your words has won our heart. :-)

    1. Thank you Carrie - very lovely words :)
      I am coming over to see your blog and to introduce myself :)

  23. Romantic and lovely...nice to see you at Magpie...

    1. Thanks Tess, great fun participating . . . .


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