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Thursday 26 June 2014


This week's Magpie Tales presents MAG225, a theme set by Tess Kincade.

Sweet Summer, 1912. John William Waterhouse

This lady's not as promiscuous as she appears
Even though she's laid unclad for 1 0 2 years
John William Waterhouse is clearly to blame
When he painted Sweet Summer; of worldwide fame.

Young John in his day was a bit of a lad:
He painted his ladies, all scantily clad.
Not realising such serious wardrobe malfunctions
Might lead to arrest and some court injunctions.

One wonders as she lay for that lengthy repose
She might to the sun become over exposed
In 1912 there was no such thing as sun lotion
And the artist thought only of love and emotion.

I don't think it fitting to comment much more
I'll leave that to others, who will come to the fore.

I wonder what next week's prompt will bring!


  1. ha. so that is where janey jackson and justin timberlake got the inspiration for their half time

  2. Replies
    1. Oh it's just a weekly poem that's set for a small poetry circle, Keith. . . lol

    2. I guess that lets me out then. I am just an uneducated, dropout who doesn't understand all this poetry stuff !

    3. Actually Keith - I am not highly educated either - that I am told does not matter.
      Also there is a lot that I don't understand when I read some of my new friends' work - but I am trying hard to do so and the more I read them the more sense they will make. It is a new area of interest for me after writing a few of my own poems quite recently.

  3. No sunscreen??? Oh, horror!!!!!!

    1. Feel so sorry for her lying all through the hot summer with no sunscreen . . . . how inconsiderate of the artist !!! . . . lol

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Cait . . . . all tongue in cheek . . . . lol

  5. Eddie this is clever and wonderful....I love it!!

    1. Thank you Carrie - had some fun doing this one :)
      If I had done a serious one I might have gotten myself into trouble . . . . . . LOL

  6. Very smooth and flowing words and I like just a hint of more!

  7. Lovely entry! Hopefully it was a cloudy day! lol

    1. Thanks Marguerite . . . . and let's hope it is cloudy but we don't want rain otherwise her her dress might get washed away . . . lol

  8. Happy to read and comment here it was a fun experience and clever take on the prompt. :^)

    1. Thanks Bekkie - nice to see you here again - hope you helped yourself to coffee :)

  9. Hi Eddie, Please don't think all poetry you do not understand is because of lack of education. Some of it is not understood, even by those who write it! Thankfully, this one of yours is very clear and fun. So clear in fact, that I am surprised your mate Keith was not very pleased to read it. We must push him to try one for himself! :-)

    1. Well thank you for that comment.
      The more involved I get with this little poetry circle the more I realise just how many possibilities there are to each image Tess sets, and it is fascinating to see how people react and see their approaches Some are highly complex, some direct, others fun. Yes perhaps we may persuade Keith to have a go :)

  10. There could not be better interpretation than this that I read so far. Thank u for leaving ur comment in my blog. Otherwise I would not have known of ur beautiful work and this blog...really loved it the way u played with simple yet deep words here..little Victorian, little contemporary. I am following you :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you Tess - had to do a bit of lateral thinking on this one :)

  12. Hehehe! I'm so glad I cam back to see this little ditty, even though I'm a bit late off the mark. I hope to read many more Mags of the same ilk from you. :-)

    1. Thanks Pen - glad it amused and we shall see what topic comes next. hehehe :)


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