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Tuesday 5 October 2010

Do Not Reverse And The Demise Of The Bubble Cars

I am highly confused - Can anyone help me to grasp this bureaucratic logic?

As I was driving today I spotted this wonderfully baffling sign.

One wonders how the drivers of these cars might leave their parking slots.  The mind boggles!!
"Sorry mate!", they might say, "I don't feel in the mood for driving through walls today or even up them for that matter!  Would you like us to pick up our cars and carry them?"

This reminds me of a thought I had a while ago about the demise of the bubble cars from the 1960s era. 

As you can see the door opened at the front. Apparently some of these cars had no reverse gear, so they would have been able to obey the rules, "Do Not Reverse".  I have a theory that these bubble cars were driven into garages , very often too far and parked right up to the rear garage wall.  Unfortunately the drivers could not get out because the car had no reverse gear.  So I imagine all over there are hundreds of bubble cars trapped in garages complete with their owners.

This might explain that awful smell we detect as we pass some garages.


  1. There was no reverse on those cars? How can that be? How did you get out of the garage - even if you didn't park right up on the wall?

    - Jazz

  2. Well, I guess that explains why we don't see them anymore!

  3. I had a girlfriend once whose dad was a bubble car enthusiast. He had two, and I fondly remember him giving me a lift to the local Alldays convenience store in his little Messerschmitt. Ah, great days. Loved the post.

  4. I once owned a car that the reverse broke. It was rather a pain to remember to park so I didn't have to back up.

  5. Too funny. I guess they've had just too many folks driving over that curb while reversing into the parking spots.

    I can imagine someone coming along a squashing each one of those abandoned Bubble cars like bubble wrap.

  6. That was so funny. I always thought that those cars were a bit dangerous though.
    I am much more taken with the Smart Car and we have lots round by us because they must be so easy to park and they DO reverse!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  7. You had to carry a broomstick and park near a wall to push yourself out.

  8. The sign should say Do Not Back Into Parking Place. Too bad the bubble cars couldn't have been perfected, they would be great for around town.

  9. Very funny Eddie, especially the comment about the smell from some garages! The bubble car never took off in the USA, maybe the lack of reverse was one of the problems.

  10. Very funny Eddie. I wonder what the sign really means.
    Cheers, jj

  11. ROFL...This is too funny, my dear friend!!!! Thank you for the laugh today!!! You ALWAYS make me smile!!! Hugs, Janine

  12. Oh dear...yes, no reverse certainly would be a problem! haha. I have to say, though, that the little bubble car is adorable!

  13. So that's what that smell is! lol So funny and I just love the bubble cars, too! Happy Birthday, Eddie! Cheers!

  14. I can count on you, Eddie, for a smile...and always learn something new. I laughed at your theory of trapped Bubble Car drivers...and the ensuing 'smell.' :)))))
    Thank you for checking on me, Eddie. You are a considerate friend....very thoughtful.

  15. The bubble car is quite interesting and without a doubt the ugliest car I have ever seen, but I believe I have ascertained the meaning behind the Do Not Reverse sign.

    Now why would anyone go to the trouble of putting a Do Not Reverse sgn on a brick wall where one OBVIOUSLY would not reverse? IF one were simply lost in thought or otherwise forgetful and accidentally put his vehicle in reverse, a simple SIGN is not going to stop that individual - to look back and see the sign would mean that one looks back and sees THE WALL. So the purpose of the sign must be something other.

    My theory is that beyond that wall is empty space and the owner of the parking lot on this side desires to extend his parking area into that empty space. Obstacle? THE WALL. Demolition is not in his budget, so he devises a plan: he will use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY and put up a Do Not Reverse sign, knowing full well that persons who have parked in front of it will question its' purpose and do the exact opposite. It will take only ONE person, only ONE vehicle to reverse and take that wall out.

    Thus, the owner has saved himself the high cost of demolishing the wall by printing a cheap Do Not Reverse sign.

  16. Brilliant Ethel - you must be in Mensa - always thought you were LOL. You have demolished this canundrum with your usual wit and flair. Glad it did not drive you up the wall.
    PS My feet thank you for your feet's last message and will be replying in due course.

  17. Thank you for all your comments - loved doing this one!

  18. I wonder if they mean you aren't allowed to back into the parking spot.

  19. So . . . you mean when they wanted to turn around, they had to get out and push it around? Yeah, that was just a little design flaw.


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