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Wednesday 14 October 2009

Janine Undergoes Surgery Today

Wings of Hope
My post today is dedicated to my very good and wonderful friend Janine of Sniffles and Smiles. We started out in blogland at the same time and we have been friends right from the start.
Today, Wednesday, she undergoes surgery for a rib biopsy to explore whether cancer has spread to her bones from her original breast cancer.
Janine covers this in detail on her blogsite.
We all love you, Janine, and I ask God to look after you and to protect you.
I ask everyone to think of Janine today and pray with me God will keep her safe and well.
Jesus, tender shepherd hear me
Bless thy little lamb tonight
Through the darkness be thou near me
Watch my sleep 'til morning light.
God Bless you, Janine and I will be there with you, holding your hand


  1. A thoughtful post Eddie. I will be thinking of Janine. It is so kind of you to think of others and help them carry their load - a theme of my recent blog post. ;0)
    Take care.

  2. Hello Eddie, I barely know you, and don't know Janine at all, but my heart goes out to her tonight. If you've never gone through cancer, you cannot begin to imagine the pain, the horrors, the constant fear that it will some day reappear. I am only 18 months cancer-free, still with plenty of time to go before I'm considered a survivor, so I can commiserate with Janine. I'll visit her blog tonight. Thanks for the introduction!

  3. Beautiful Eddie, a tribute for a beautiful lady. So many of us in blogland are praying for a good prognosis and speedy recovery for our lovely are a good friend.
    Lots of good thoughts to you and your family.
    .......:-) Hugs

  4. Eddie- You are such a dear, sweet friend. This post was a wonderful idea and a lovely tribute to our cher amis, Janine. I have two Cajun churches praying for her. I will be there, too, holding her other hand. Hugs...

  5. So kind of you Eddie. I have just come to know Janine in the last little while - she is a dear and I, too, send her love and light.

  6. Eddie, I don't know your friend, Janine aside from occasional encounters in the blogosphere but I'll be sending warmest, healing thoughts her way.

  7. She will be in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that everything will work out well for her today and in the future.

    Nuts in May

  8. Same thoughts here for Janine. Prayers definitely in order for good biopsy results and a rapid recovery then too.

  9. Though I don't really know Janine, I do know several other wonderful people she ahs touched so she has also 'touched' me through them. Special prayers will be said for her today.

    blessings and hugs,


  10. My prayers are already on their way to lovely Janine. Wonderful post Eddie, you're so unselfish.

  11. If you could pass on this message Eddie, please tell Janine that I am praying for her and her well being. I am sure the surgery will go well and she will be relieved of everything that is ailing her and will be with all of us sooner than any of us thought.

  12. Bless your heart, Eddie!

  13. My dear friend!!! You are so thoughtful, and generous!!! Thank you for this...from the bottom of my heart!!! I'm still a bit groggy today, but I could not stay away...I MUST thank my dear friends!! An of course, that will always include you!!! God bless you Eddie...and I'm sending love and prayers for you and Maria!!! Hugs, Janine

  14. Eddie -- Ditto!! Ditto!! Ditto!! Thank you for posting this for Janine. Beautiful!! Hugs and blessings!!

  15. This is my first time here. I've been through this with more than one person I loved. Healing wishes and strength...


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