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Tuesday 12 January 2010


"Eddie, what are those smudges on the window, love?"

"Oh! hang on a minute I'll have to refocus - ah you mean these, Mrs Bluelights?"

"Zoom in Eddie, quick and let's have a closer look!"

"Ok! Get a load of this!"

It's remarkable how that refocusing made this shot possible.

Let's zoom in again!

Isn't nature (for want of a better word) wonderful?

While I was out looking for The Abominable Snowman, terrorising Bristol recently, see HERE, I got some shots of the garden with a carpet of snow - quite rare for us in the UK, so I made the most of it, aided by my walking stick of course to prevent me from slipping 'base over apex'.

Ah yes - there is the swing I made a long time ago for the kids with all the paths and walls and pergolas I built, plus of course the bird houses - see my earlier post HERE , He Flew The Nest Too Soon.

No signs of the Bluetits yet, but I saw a couple of Great Tits, their larger cousins, looking at properties the other day - they rather fancied this semi detached residence - they thought it was really cool! brrrr!

"Careful with that hip up climbing the steps you built, Eddie."

"Never seen the Dogwood looking quite like this."

"The Magnolia tree looks a bit cold."

"So does the Hydrangea."

"Come on, let's go in the house and I'll make you a cup of coffee, but close the gate - after all we've got to keep that Big Foot out, haven't we?"

Thank You Hilary for your  POTW mention on January 13th 2010.  Very much appreciated and please see and comment on the winners at The Smitten Image.

I've very busy with domestic tasks and year end accountsof late, so unfortunately I have not been as active as I would have liked in BlogLand - my apologies.

But please do not forget to visit for David McMahon's Sunday Roast Special on January 23rd.


  1. These are great shots, Eddie. The first one looked like it was flowers growing on the bushes outside. They sure came into focus nicely. Very cool!

  2. Oh how breathtaking they all are, Eddie. I love that the dogwood looks like cotton ready for the picking.

    I did, however, blush when you mentioned the Great Tits. LOL. Don't catch me off guard like that!

  3. Hope you are enjoying the snow!

  4. Alix - regretably, I'll just have to take your word for it. LOL

  5. Perfect! Just the kinds of pictures to brighten our dreary days. Stay warm, stay safe.

  6. A fun walk with you, Eddie...and I rather enjoyed it with the warmth of stove fire beside me :) - It's pretty cold outside, here in Vermont - USA, right now and it looks a bit similar to your surroundings too.

    Your snowflakes are wonderful *


  7. Those snowflakes are really something else!!! Never seen such a thing.

  8. Beautiful photo's Eddie, almost looks like you live in Canada although we have warmed up here quite bit since Saturday. Have a great day.......:-) Hugs

  9. Lovely shots, Eddie, of that wonderful snow. It's really something, isn't it?
    Your garden paths, swing and birdhouses are beautiful, you didn't really make all those yourself, did you?

  10. Eddie, these are the most fabulous shots of snow flakes on glass I have seen!

    Wishing all good things to you and Mrs. Bluelights :).

  11. Mimi - I did make it Mimi, and enjoyed every minute. The swing is so strong even I can swing on it - the links would take one ton each which should be enough! LOL
    Loved making the bird houses and the paths ands pergolas. When I get my hip replaced and fully recovered I shall be out there up to something no doubt.

  12. Hi Uncle Eddie
    I loved seeing all the snow pictures of your garden. Thought the gate looked very pretty with the snow outlining the twirls. Glad it was shut to keep bigfoot out!
    Thank you also for leaving your kind comments on my recent post & for your words of encouragement. I hope to get back into blogging, not that I ever really got started!
    Love Debs xx

  13. Beautiful photos.
    It can snow all week now if it wants to...... as I'm not going ANYWHERE!
    Are you sure you didn't cut those snowflakes out of paper?

    Nuts in May

  14. Maggie - shucks, I've been rumbled!!

    Debbie - Hey folks that is my neice! Please pay her a visit - she's really ace!
    What with Maggie, Sam, Debbie and me all blogging, the mind bloggles!!
    She said, "Well, if I can't beat them I suppose I'd better join them!" LOL

    Sam, where are you!

  15. I loved the snowflakes on the window pane! My snow has turned to ugly slush and freezes to dangerous ice at night. Your yard is lovely and reflects your care.

  16. Lovely photos of all the snow, but I'm afraid it's all a bit too chilly for my Southern blood! We are warming up into the 60's and even 70's, next week, which will be perfect for Mardi Gras-ing! Wish you were here, cher! Stay warm!

  17. Magical photos! Congratulations on POTD nomination.

  18. Hey Eddie!! Congratulations for being recognized by Hilary in her Post Of The Week! This post and these incredibly lovely images are so deserving of the honor. Wear your crown proudly, my friend.

  19. I don't think I've ever seen ice crystals quite like that before. And here in New England, snow is quite common. In fact, we have a good deal of it still on the ground and it is "no degrees" out right now. Great shots, though. Congratulations on the POTW.

  20. Those are beautiful pictures, so well done I can almost feel the cold. I like the picture of the gate best, because it looks like it might be the entrance into a magical land. The vague footprints really add to that, as if mythic creature has come and gone.

    I was talking to a friend of mine who is a writer, about the need for writers in the days before photography to essentially be National Geographic. That some people don't have a lot of patience with the classics, because of the long, descriptive passages, trying to draw an image in the mind of the reader.

    We were talking about how, in the age of mass media, that starts to seem cumbersome, but at the time it was the only way to preserve the image.

    So as I looked at your pictures, I remembered that conversation, and tried to imagine how the images would be described in words, and fell decidedly short.

    We are so lucky to be able to capture impermanent beauty, permanently and you did a fantastic job here.

    Congratulations on the post of the week :-)

  21. Lovely shots, Eddie. As with Hilary, I thought they were blooms of some sort in the first shot.

  22. Eddie...I stopped by yesterday, but couldn't comment...and I couldn't wait to get back here today.
    The snowflake shots are out of this world...beautiful, Eddie...just beautiful. I remember cutting snowflakes out of coffee filters...and how white and pretty they were...but nothing compares to nature...and you have captured them perfectly. I don't think I have EVER seen photographs like these...award winning, in my book!
    I love the swing...the gate...all the parts of your yard (I think you call it a garden)...covered with snow....An incredible blog, Eddie...among my all-time favorites that you have done.
    With warmest smiles from Jackie

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Wow Eddie, these are some great photos! It looks unusually cold in your area but it provided great blog material :-)

    Stay warm!

  25. What a beautiful snow y'all had; much better than the 3/4 inch we got!
    I agree that the dogwood looks like cotton ripe and ready to pick - that popped immediately into mind when I saw it. But I think my favorite is the view through the garden gate. And...surely those aren't Bigfoot snowprints out there?

  26. Beautiful shots. you have a way with that camera.

  27. I have to inquire, does your Mrs. know that you have been looking at Great Tits?

    Sly boy!

  28. Oh My Goddess ~ Shhh! . . . and you can look but you'd better not touch! LOL

  29. Magnificent snow pictures but it makes me all the more glad I live in San Francisco where were are not getting any of that...just our usual fog, and not so much of it in the winter time!

  30. What a great tour of your yard Eddie. Everything is smashing!
    Thanks so much for sharing the pics and the wonderful scenery!

  31. Love those snowflakes!
    They look like the snow flurries sprinkled on the donut I had this morning!


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