I was dozing after a meal in our conservatory last weekend and was wakened by my over excited wife saying, "Wake Up! Wake Up! There are a couple of birds outside!"
"Are they in uniforms or not?"
"No! listen - there are two Peacocks on the garden shed roof!"
"Don't be so silly!" I retorted, getting settled in my chair and nodding off again.
"Quick, quick! Get the camera!! quick or you'll miss it."
"Must I?" Then I looked out of the window and I was amazed to see we had two peacocks on our back lawn - hardly regular visitors at any house these days. And there they were, cool as cucumbers - just breezed in to see us from out of nowhere! Was I dreaming I wondered?
By the time I got the camera they had moved closer and I managed to get three good shots.

There he is walking fearlessly closer towards me, displaying his feathers - his wife was round the corner behind him. Obviously he was on the scrounge. I backed off and then he and his Missus advanced. She seemed a bit shy and stayed in the background.

And after a few pieces of bread and a drink of water he puffed out his chest with pride.

Having had enough of our company they walked around the side path to the front of our house, crossed the road and went straight up to a neighbour's front door, followed by me. They stayed by the front door and then my sense of humour got the better of me so I slowly approached, rang the front door bell and carefully made my retreat behind a bush at the side of their house.
I heard the neighbour make a startled comment to her husband that some friends had called round to dinner. I appeared to join in the fun. We discussed where they might have come from but were unable to offer a suggestion. Mr and Mrs Peacock wandered down the road and headed off towards the park. I'm not sure what they eat in the wild - must look it up.
I remain totally baffled as to where these visitors originated!
It is not every day two large peacocks visit a humble domestic back garden!
Whatever next, I wonder - Emus, Ostriches?
I keep looking nervously over my shoulder - perhaps a couple of lions may walk round the corner looking for their dinner!