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Wednesday 1 January 2014

Christmas Holiday Visitors

Hello Folks! Belated Christmas greetings to one and all and a Happy New Year.

Enough of the serious and sad stuff of late and about time my sense of humour was re-activated, actually it has never left me, but boy oh boy it was really activated today.

My sister Maggie May, her husband Harry and my niece and her two boys were invited to my humble abode to meet my daughter and her husband and my son and his fiance, plus my new and first grandson, Peter. Quite a house full. I was in the middle of a shave, with shaving cream all round my face, when the front door bell sounded once . . . . . then rapidly twice. I decided I would go and answer the door as I was because I knew it was Maggie because only she would ring like that twice in quick succession - impatient thing.

I decided to make the situation funny so I rapidly put on my Father Christmas hat, leaving the shaving cream on, just like this:
I opened the front door and there they all were, open mouthed, and I have never ever seen Maggie laugh so hard as I saw her today - they all were creased and laughing helplessly, even the shy young boys.  Well I explained I did not have time to grow a beard, did I?

Hey! what a good job it was them - it could have been the vicar!

Anyway we all had a great day and when the other guests arrived we showed them the photographs.

I am pleased also to show off my new grandson, Peter, who is now 10 weeks old and LOVES his grandpa.
Here he is, I am so proud of him and hey! . . . . . . . I remember all the little techniques for getting him to calm down and rock him to sleep, after having a long, long talk in baby language.  He was most interested in what I had to say! LOL

Isn't he lovely? . . . . . and the baby's not bad either!