Preview of forthcoming attractions!!!
Eddie lets Suldog have it with a final demand, "Let my people go or ye shall feel the wrath of my staff!"

Suldog defiantly says, "No! By all the saints on a pogo-stick, I'll not let them go!"
The ultimate show down is coming - can the Wicked Witch of the West resist the powers of light?
And now appearing shortly at a cinema near you!
(Where else you stupid idiots!)
A true story - that actually happened!!
filmed in glorious Panoramic Technicolor
You'll be laughing in you seats! You'll be crying in the dark! You'll be frightened in the aisles!
There's romance! There's intrigue! There's danger! There's mystery!
Gaston Studios
proudly presents
another epic production
directed by
Cecil B de Thrill
with a star studded cast
Jackie of Teacher's Pet, as Dorothy
Suldog, as the wicked Witch of the West
Suldog, as the wicked Witch of the West
Eddie Bluelights, as the Strawman
David McMahon as The Wizard of Oz
God of Another World as The Tin Man
God of Another World as The Tin Man
A surprise guest artist as The Lionman
A surprise guest artist as The Lionman
also starring
The lovely Meredith Teagarden as a good witch of the North
The equally levely Janine as Glenda, the good witch of the South
The equally levely Janine as Glenda, the good witch of the South
The stunningly attractive Marguerite with her beautiful green eyes, as yet another good witch, with her enticing Cajun Delights, leapard dancing shoes and shrimps
and introducing
laugh a minute Marcy of Blessings Each Day
laugh a minute Marcy of Blessings Each Day
plus her Village People
plus lots of other guest stars appearing
Lots of other witches
Lots of Munchkins
Winged Flying monkeys
The Crystal Jigsaw
The mysterious Lakeviewer
(and so it goes on)
Join us in our travels along the yellow brick road in search of The Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City - with all the dangers ensuing - see The Lady in a Window trapped and Being Held Hostage in Suldog's castle - then gallantly rescued by Eddie! Can he do it with the others?
Only by seeing this epic film can all the answers be revealed to these fascinating questions
Only by seeing this epic film can all the answers be revealed to these fascinating questions
Just what made this charming little baby playing with his yellow ducks

change into this evil wicked Witch of the West

The mind boggles!
Will Eddie get a brain? . . . Will the tin man get a heart? . . . Will the lion man get courage?
Suldog cannot stand water! or is it H2SO4?
What will he do when confronted with the final stand off?
Can he prevent the Exodus?
Can the forces of light prevail?
Will Eddie's Angels come to the rescue?
or will blogland remain under the spell of that evil witch?
Will Eddie get the girl this time or will he be jilted yet again?
And who is the girl?
Is she the delectable Marguerite with those enticing green eyes and leopard skin dancing shoes?
Or is she Eddie's riding companion Meredith with her romantic choice of music and her liking of polite, romantic men in uniforms with a keen sense of humour?
Or is she Lola - a lively and sexy Italian girl - or has she a mad crush on Suldog? and will she swap sides?
Could it be the lovely Janine? The beautiful good witch, Glenda? Time will tell!
And what is Dorothy up to with that dude in the boat - who is he? Is he Kenny Rogers?
And just who are all the Village People?
A further announcement will be made by Eddie when he actually gets round to writing the blooming thing!! - Certainly before Christmas!!
Suldog cannot stand water! or is it H2SO4?
What will he do when confronted with the final stand off?
Can he prevent the Exodus?
Can the forces of light prevail?
Will Eddie's Angels come to the rescue?
or will blogland remain under the spell of that evil witch?
Will Eddie get the girl this time or will he be jilted yet again?
And who is the girl?
Is she the delectable Marguerite with those enticing green eyes and leopard skin dancing shoes?
Or is she Eddie's riding companion Meredith with her romantic choice of music and her liking of polite, romantic men in uniforms with a keen sense of humour?
Or is she Lola - a lively and sexy Italian girl - or has she a mad crush on Suldog? and will she swap sides?
Could it be the lovely Janine? The beautiful good witch, Glenda? Time will tell!
And what is Dorothy up to with that dude in the boat - who is he? Is he Kenny Rogers?
And just who are all the Village People?
A further announcement will be made by Eddie when he actually gets round to writing the blooming thing!! - Certainly before Christmas!!
Sorry! After my dinner I will start writing! OK?
Oh Eddie...You better be careful what you write about us Village People...we stick together like glue...Marcy is our blogger I'm just giving you a friendly grandson drives an ambulance too...we may have to come for you! :)
ReplyDeleteEddie, please don't make us wait until Christmas to find out what's going to happen..
ReplyDeleteI'll be a wreck for sure.
Wanda is right, don't mess with The Village People, we are one when one of us need help. Good Luck my friend and good writing...:-)
I'm polishing my ruby slippers......and I double dog DARE Suldog to even TRY to take them from me....Watch out for falling ambulances!!!Oooooooooh, Eddie....Why must we wait?? You are a devilish man....heart of gold....but devilish. I can see the twinkle in those eyes as you plan and post....I love you my friend....and so does my little dog, too!!
Oh I think the girl is the Canadian Breeze Eddie...
ReplyDeleteI await the release of this epic film..the trailor titillates and does...
Please release it before Christmas...I can't wait that long!
Omg, Eddie!! You are too much, dude!!! Bravo, kudos, and woo-hoo!! I knew that this was going to be good, but the trailer is magnificent and I can't wait, either!! I also double dare Suldog to try and take my leopard dancing shoes. He will be forced to eat 20 lbs. of crawfish, if he does!!
ReplyDeleteAnd that photo is over the top! You really have outdone yourself on this one!!
I'm giggling all the way reading this!!! (^o^) 'CANT WAIT!
The photo of yours!^^ haha.
I am very short Eddie so if you want to cast me as a munchkin it's o.k. with me. But I insist on being the star munchkin! My people will be in touch with your people. Oh and your welcome! Love and pooples to you, Di
ReplyDeleteOMG Eddie, who knew you were such a professional in using Photoshop?! Like everyone else, it would be cruel to make us wait until Christmas, so get a hitch in your buggy my man! Get it on!
(sidekick to Cecile B. de Thrill
I will be back with more inane comments, but for now, let it be known that Jackie may have the ruby slippers, but I have the ruby, no no, not full of rocks, E.Eddie, but ruby as in redhead and I am here to save the good village people because I have these super powers...although I do admit that your parting of the waters was pretty impressive!
ReplyDeleteblessings and prayers,
Well I am encouraged - thank you all for your comments:
ReplyDeleteWanda - I shall be very kind to all the villagers - I am frightened of Marcy the police lady and your ambulance grandson - I shall come smoking the pipe of peace. Thanks for the visit.
Bernie - worry not my sweet Lady Bernie for I shall pen this merry tale long before Yuletide this very year! I've been sketching it out in my mind all day - the usual thing I do before writing. I'll email you about the CD and maybe send 2 or 3 copies for the villagers - I shall call you Village People or matbe the Munchkins.
Jackie - we have to make sure that wicked witch of the west does not get your shoes - otherwise it is curtains for us all. Watch out Suldog, leave these lovely ladies alone Grrrrrrr! Grrrrr!
Breeze - Is that an offer? How could a gentleman refuse!! You will be in the production - not sure where yet but you won't be the tornado - just a gentle breeze and a breath of fresh air. We need something to get that wretched balloon afloat at the end!
Marguerite - Ah! love of my life! Lady Marguerite with those lovely green eyes and a bag of crayfish! We will have then all talking have no fear.
Sassy - Lovely to see you and visualising you having a good giggle - now let's see where you can fit in - ah yes, I have it!
Diana - Your wish is my command, a star munchkin indeed. Now pray tell me what is a poople? Is it rude? I have led a very sheltered life!
Jane at Gaston - I got my son to do the photoshop work - very useful these kids sometime.
You are there somewhere, particulary since by your own admission, you have a great arse for a 67 year old and I think you can still turn heads, mine especially
Marcy at Blessings - Bless you for popping over - do not worry I shall be good! Honest!
Enough with the Suldog crush comments, Eddie! It was just a way of saying I like his humor, for pete's sake! Why do you take everything so seriously?!
ReplyDelete(thanks for calling me sexy)
Lola - Ooops! I'm in trouble again!! Please be gentle with me - I'm only a straw man!
ReplyDeleteJane - Where's the photo? Anyway I would not dream of tampering with it on photoshop - there is no need because even I cannot improve on perfection, and there is a saying here, "If it's working don't fix it!"
Eddie - I love you, man, I truly do. But, did you have to give me a sex change? I mean, I know I said that you liked to fondle waterfowl, but I didn't turn you into a woman. I...
ReplyDeleteOh, wait a minute. I did say you liked to impersonate Queen Elizabeth in your spare time. My bad. All's fair and all that. Carry on!
Jim - The logic of the plot will all be revealed in time, have no fear - the operation is quite painless.
ReplyDeleteJim - OK you have a point - I moght promote you to a wizard!
ReplyDeleteNo, no. Do what you're doing, Eddie. If you can take it at my place, I can take it here :-) All will be handled with humor, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteCrikey, this is a film I can't afford to miss!
ReplyDeleteSuldog - Jim, OK I will stick to plan A but if you make life difficult for ANYONE I will do the surgery myself with glee!!
ReplyDeleteShammickite - What a pleasant surpise to see you and dislaying a real interest to actually read this creation of comedy which is to be launched onto the planet in the not too distant future. I have visited your site and 'sussed' you out as a lass formerly living in Devon and now in Canada - welcome my friend ~ Eddie
har har har.
ReplyDeleteI love me a hero, even one that can make the water get out of his way.
Eddie, way to go, another epic story of good and evil, evil witches and amazing miracles. Can't wait to read more.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I've got your dog which is really my dog but can be your dog as long as you realize she is on loan. She will be a female ToTo and it is so good that her name is perfect for this tale...TinkaBelle...see, it even starts with a T! Plus the name has a really fairy tale sound to it without being Tinkerbelle (NOT her name). She has always wanted to break into showbiz (or at least the hot dogs and popcorn) so this could be her big chance.
ReplyDeleteRenee - my little Renee - welcome my friend - I'll have to scrip you in somewhere - let's see!
ReplyDeleteRosaria - Great to see you - and yes it will be fun - you are going to be the mysterious Lakeviewer protecting the lake working with that magical character Crystal Jigsaw - thi maniac Suldgog will have you both in his power and I will move heaven and earth to break his spell - do not worry - the cavalry is on its way!
Marcy at Blessings - Bless you my child! I shall indeed adopt your little dog, TinkaBelle for this mighty task - I shall call her Tonto TinkaBelle and her bell will be very useful to help us goodies hear her because that vile evil witch will whisk her awayand we shall have to rescue her!
And I have all the lovely ladies on my side!!
Actually, Eddie, she's not little. Sad to say Michael has plumped her out on table scraps so she weighs in at 62 pounds, but she is on a diet now as well as getting some exercise so she can be fit for her part...really she does manage to be quite rowdy and will chase frisbees too, all of which should help defeat the darker side! goodness. Look at these comments. You will probably be called by MGM. As you can tell, your readers chomp at the bits...awaiting this work of art. Such pressure! Take care of yourself, now....don't let this Epic take a toll on you. I read that you might have needed an Alka Seltzer yesterday. I hope that whatever was troubling you has Gone With the Wind (and there is absolutely NO pun intended there, I promise...but I snickered after I typed it...thinking about what I had just typed....thought about backspacing and getting rid of it (oooops, there I go again)....but I just couldn't do it. I'm leaving it here. I might just come back and read it again telling myself a joke and then laughing at myself. OK. OK. It's late. I'm sleepy (can you tell?) 'Nite, Eddie.
ReplyDeleteDo take care of you.
Smiles from Jackie
Does anyone have any oil...I've grown terribly rusty.
ReplyDeleteI can slap a lion, talk with Munchkins and carry a little basket....but where oh where did I put that can of oil??? Rust abounds!!
ReplyDeleteMr Eddie!
ReplyDeleteHow nice of you to visit! Thank you.
I know I have been sitting on my cherry tree for about a decade now (in blog world, 1 month is like 3 years ;-)
Yes, I am working on how to ease out of hiatus.
I see you are working on a magnum opus!
And wow, look at parted the sea!
Blimey...... what is all this about then.
ReplyDeleteWhere DO these ideas come from!
I like your cast!
No need to go to the cinema when we have you to entertain us!
Cherry - Oh I am so pleased to see you, my dear little Cherry! Hope you had a great vocation and now you are back I will write you into the musical - gosh another part to cast! I must do a real special one for you . . . . thinking hat is on! btw parting the sea was easy - dealing with Suldog will be very difficult because he is a powerful wizard disguised as a witch.
ReplyDeleteAltogether, " boooooooooooooooooooo!"
Oh and I still cherrish the kiss - I have not washed the lipstck off!
Maggie May - Oh it's just another Eddie extraviganda (if there is such a word) - there will be another funny film trailer before the film actually rolls.
God Of Another World - Michael - you are on for the Tin Man - plenty of oil about and that lovely French/American lass Marguerite has a lot of fishy food which will help lubricate the joints.
Marci and Jaclie - thanks for your suggestions and comments - very much appreciated.
Eddie...Thank you so much!! To be nominated for the POTD is an incredible honor. Thank you so much Eddie! I went to David's site...and was knocked off my feet... Thank you again!!! I am humbled.
ReplyDeleteHola Eddie Bluelights!!
ReplyDeleteJust swung by to thank you so very much for visiting Casa Hice and leaving such a nice comment.
The Wizard was very good to me today and being mentioned on his blog's Post Of The Day was a thrill I'll likely not have again this side of Kansas.
I'm still rather baffled he found me. But that led me back to him, and you and so many other gifted bloggers that I have my work cut out for me reading posts and better not fall asleep in the poppy field.
LOVE your post, but the way. The Wizard of Oz has been my favorite movie since I was a child, so the theme is dear to me and right up my proverbial alley. I think it will require a few more passes though to get all the goodies out of it.
So thanks again for coming to my humble little blog and reading my equally humble post. To be in the company of so many amazing authors made my year.
And now I must away and subscribe to your blog immediately, before someone drops a house on me too!
Hi Eddie, left you something on my blog post today.
Eddie, I have missed you and your way of telling a story! you always spin me so favorably :)! Never do I take it for granted!
ReplyDeleteWe might be sharing stage at the Oscars, Eddie....!!!
ReplyDeleteVow! I stumbled upon this via a thread comment on the post of 'the girl from Cherry Blossom Street' and I have a news to share. While I have been on a forced hiatus I have been visualising a post (in the near future) on these lines. The difference is:
This one's A Real Magnum Opus called " Billion Dollar Baby" being produced by "Blogland Dreamworks" which is owned by Clint Westwood. Clint has already decided on his CEO for the Production. It is none other than Blogland's very own David who is totally committed to encouraging excellence in others. Some others already on the scene will be listed at introspection very soon (certainly before christmas).
I love this post Eddie. Congratulations on featuring at "The Sunday Roast"
cheers! and look out for my trailor..!!!
You should have been in showbiz Eddie. Hollywood needs you!! Desperately at that :D
ReplyDeleteYou were awesome!! Any film trailor making experience? I bet you do!!
Thanks for visiting Eddie ! You are very kind and I love your humour. I am happy to be a happy spectator and work back stage if you need help with designing the sets etc.
ReplyDeleteGoing by the comments here, Wizard of Oz is already a box office hit. cheers!