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Tuesday 28 April 2015


It has been a while since I posted.  Perhaps I have been suffering from a severe dose of:

Blogging Constipation 

However hard I tried I just could not write ~ I felt too low and too much in pain. It is only in the last two or three days I have started feeling a lot better and more like myself. It is so good to feel like that after these uncomfortable weeks.

This 'blogging constipation' reminds me of a most unpleasant side effect of some of my pain killers, containing Codeine Phosphate, the most effective pain killer I have found to date.  I love my kidneys too much to take too many Paracetamol based tablets but by carefully juggling various options including Ibuprofen, I have managed to get by, with one or two very painful exceptions, and suffering the unwelcome side effect, much reduced I am pleased to say.  What a relief !! . . .  lol

I am very pleased to say that there has been a noticeable and considerable improvement in my leg since I came home from hospital and the District Nurses took over. It is now normal size after being blown up to over twice the size and raging with infection whilst I was in hospital before the I/V treatment knocked the infection on the head. 

The District Nurses started dressing the wound three times a week and nurse Debbie, who used to nurse Maria when she was sick, has noticed a considerable improvement each and every time she comes and in fact she is quite amazed at how quickly the new growth of healthy tissue is forming and two of the smaller blisters have gone.  I am treated with a gel called Flaminal Forte, which cleans out the wound and promotes healing, then covered with dressings soaked in liquid paraffin, so I had better not walk too near bonfires ~ I am an ambulance man and not a fire fighter.  Over that they apply two layers of compression bandages, which force the blood back up my leg and not through the side of it. The large hole in my leg was 1/2 inch deep and some 5 inches by 2 inches and it closely resembled my feeble attempts at poaching an egg ~ just like a third degree burn. They have stopped Flaminal Forte because it has done its job and promoted bleeding to clean the wound, which is no longer required.  I am always somewhat apprehensive when they take off the dressing, and I always wonder whether progress has been reversed, which could happen, but to date I have been encouraged every time.

In spite of the improvement it still weeps quite a bit and there is quite a way to go yet before I am completely healed, but they reckon in terms of weeks and not months . . . or even a year, as they said it might take when they first saw it.  They think I am a strong, fit, 'young' and active chap and I am a good boy and eat all my greens and lots of fruit and put my feet up at rest and walk about a lot to keep the calf muscles going, which helps circulation ~ so I am doing a lot of the right things and avoiding standing which is very bad for it.

So perhaps it is somewhat of a miracle ~ even though I did pray for instant healing once or twice ~ I think God is doing his best through resources he has chosen to use.

One of my best lady friends, Pat, who runs a nursing home and was Maria's employer, would disagree with the treatment because 15 years ago she suffered a leg ulcer but treated hers successfully by applying Vitamin E squeezed from a capsule and covering it with a cabbage leaf before bandaging.  She did this every day for a month and it was completely healed and dare not come back.  But she is an angel and I think has a direct line to God on high, where she gets all her strength for the wonderful things she does with her life, always helping others.

Debbie now comes once a week on a Saturday and I visit the ulcer clinic on a Wednesday, so I am treated twice a week. I mentioned Pat's 'cure' to Debbie and she said I should pass it on to the nurses in the ulcer clinic, they will be interested, so I will next time, tomorrow. They are always looking for other ways and means ~ they say no two people are the same and they all respond differently to different things. The nurse at the clinic is a very nice lady whose name escapes me right now, and I told her she has a very nice smile.

I had some interesting experiences whilst in hospital and will try to pen a few in my next posts.

Meanwhile, Debbie has judged that I am almost able to resume my life as normal and do most of the things I like doing provided I am careful with the leg and I am sensible, which I intend to be.

She says when I am better I will be measured for a pair of 'kinky' black lower leg stockings to aid blood flow back up the legs.  I said I did not mind at all and would willingly wear suspenders if it helped, under my jeans . . . she laughed and laughed.

We have already agreed that when I am better all three nurses are coming round to celebrate with glass of champagne. We all go back a long way when they visited Maria when she was ill and I made them a cup of coffee. 

I hope to visit you all again and I am looking forward to reading your posts and commenting.

I love reading comments and it is fun to hear from you even if it is just a "Hi" . . . It is then great to visit you in return.


  1. Edddie it it great you feel better, Greetings from Katowice

    1. Thanks Gosia ~ lovely to see you ~ I appreciate your good wishes. dziękuję bardzo . . .

  2. Will the stockings outfit rival the banana?
    Jane x
    PS So so happy that you are truly on the mend.

    1. haha! Well they might enhance my banana outfit if I wore a sort of mini banana skin skirt ~ gosh just imagine it . . . wonder if I would have the nerve to publish it . . . . haha!

      Thanks Jane . . . I feel so much better today . . . let's hope you are right . . . Eddie x

  3. So glad you are doing better, Eddie. I can't imagine the discomfort. Now, I'm not so versed in regular constipation, but I most certainly understand Blogging Constipation. Got a very laugh out of that.
    Keep improving and enjoy that champagne.

    1. Thanks Julie . . . . glad you enjoyed the laugh . . . I guess whenever you have a blogging blockage you will remember the term, "Blogging Constipation".
      Thanks Julie and yes, I feel a lot better now . . . better than I have in weeks . . . smiles . . . looking forward to that Champers . . . :)

  4. I am glad you are feeling better and continually improving.

    It is going into our sixth month with Maria's foot. Finally a GP is getting the infection out.

    1. Thanks Gail . . . a slow job but getting there,
      So sorry about Maria's foot ~ I have just been over to see if you posted about it hoping to leave a comment . . . :)

  5. So glad to hear that you are feeling better and improving every day. I know first-hand how extremely frustrating it can be. And it's so crucial that you are following instructions. I am always great at giving advice... not so great at heeding it, ha! And I know you love that wee Peter, but I truly hope that you are resting. As you say, movement is necessary too, of course, but toddlers are a handful. After all, you want to be around for a long time for that sweet little tyke! Sending you hugs and kisses from across the pond... catch! xoxoxo

    1. Thanks Suzie . . . . I will heed your advice as best I can because I recognise that this is a fairly serious situation.
      My word what a generous supply of kisses and cuddles ~ I saw you spinning on my globe . . . nice to see you . . :) xox

    2. Popping in to spin on your globe for a moment... and I'm gone! xx

    3. Shame I was not there ~ we could have had a little dance . . . .:) xx

  6. Glad you're feeling better. :) I didn't realize your ulcer was that big! You told me how deep, but I was imagining something round and about the size of a quarter! My oh wonder if was so painful! Glad the wonder ointment did it's job. :)

    1. Thanks Betsy . . . Not nice was it ? or is it? ~ it was not never as deep as that over the whole area but still a dreadful mess, like my Economics Master used to say about my essays sometimes, "What a horrible load of rhubarb!" Glad it is getting better ~ thanks honey for your continued support through all this ~ I really appreciate that . . . . :) xx

    2. A horrible load of rhubarb? haha.....I'm going to remember that one next time you go on and on about something. :)

    3. lol . . . . nice expression isn't it? . . . . so funny. My dad was furious with me when he read that comment and whacked me over the head with the exercise book . . . . I'll always remember that phrase . . . and no doubt you will when you catch me whittering or rabbiting about something . . . haha

    4. Pink Cloud . . . where are you?. . . lol

  7. Ugg sounds rather umm nasty indeed
    There at your feed
    But glad it is getting better though
    Hopefully the weeping will slow
    And then go away
    So you can run, frolic and play
    Or get into the Champagne
    Boarding the liquor train
    Three nurses too
    Geez, picking them up like crazy at your zoo lol

    1. lol

      Yes it certainly was not nice
      Wish it would go at the throw of a dice
      looking forward to celebrating
      and being pain free and no creating . . . lol

  8. Hi Eddie....
    This was a great read....well done!
    You truly have the gift of the a good way♥️
    You are on the mend....don't screw it up!
    Linda :o)

    1. Hi Linda I thought it might be you
      When on my little world round and round you flew.
      There were a few Pat, Betsy among others
      You'd think we were all sisters and brothers
      This blogging really is such fun
      When we visit one another quick as a gun.
      Yes I am blessed with the gift of the gabby
      And can hold my own against any taxi cabby.
      I'll try very hard to not screw it
      To go back to square one I'd feel like I blew it . . .

      Thanks Linda . . . :) x

    2. I know you will be just fine!
      You are a smart cookie!
      See you soon....

    3. Don't you eat cookies? . . . . haha!
      Thanks Linda

  9. Wishing you continued healing. Glad you are on the mend.

    1. Thanks Deb . . . . . you are very kind and your wishes are greatly appreciated . . . :)

  10. Dear Eddie,

    I will keep you in my prayers for a continued and thorough healing. I am so glad to see a post from you.

    1. Thanks Linda ~ your prayers and good wishes are appreciated very much. I hope to post regularly . . .. :) x

  11. So glad to hear that you are on the mend my dear pal! <3

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

    1. Hi Cloudia . . . Aloha . . . . . great to see you and thanks for your good wishes ~ they mean a lot to me . . :)

  12. Great post! Are you sure that you don't have Cajun blood! LOL So glad that you are recovering so quickly and feeling better! Many prayers for a total healing are being sent your way. :)

    1. Thanks, my dear Nurse Marguerite
      For coming all this way to meet
      and to give me lots of good wishes
      I thought you'd stay to wash the dishes.
      I think my blood may well have some Cajun
      As we have discussed lots on occasion.
      Your ancestors might have been naughty
      when in Liverpool on a vacation sortie
      So we could well be related
      And that is why I feel elated . . . . . . . lol

      Thanks Marguerite ~ I think your prayers are working but more to to yet ~ get on your knees . . . rofl
      You are a such a valued friend . . . . :) x

  13. Hola Eddie, at first I wondered what happened then it sounded exactly like House, House MD the series which ended but only now I am watching and I am in season eight just a few more episodes before it would really end on me - I am scared, and sad. The hole you describe on your leg is exactly like House's. I hope you will get better and heal completely and no pain fast. Take care Eddie

    1. Thanks Lisa . . . the hole is filling up fast so please . . . no more worries , eh.
      I'll be ok . . . I have not seen that series. Is it on TV?

      Thanks for your good wishes . . . . I'll pop over to see your blog . . . :)

  14. Eddie - Hearing good news from your side of the pond is always a welcome thing. I'm glad your prayers and our prayers may have been a help. God always keeps His own schedule, of course, and - even though it's very hard - we need to remember that His schedule is the best one. God bless, Eddie!

    Oh, by the way, I've used vitamin E often to help in healing small burns or sometimes a canker or sore in the mouth. It really is a help.

    1. Thanks Jim ~ I am sure our prayers have been a help.
      Interesting about the Vitamin E helping ~ I am sure there is something in that . . . . :)

  15. Thanks for stopping by my page. I can't wait to get better acquainted. :) Glad to hear that you're recovering and feeling better!

    1. How lovely to see you Jax and it will certainly be a pleasure to get to know you and visit your blog regularly.

      Yes, thanks, I am feeling a lot better now . . . and hope to be fully cured in a couple of months . . .
      Eddie rises like the phoenix from the ashes . . . . lol . . . :)

  16. Hi Eddie
    Oh dear I didn't realise it was difficult to sign up to my blog. Because of course I've never tried. I thought you just clicked on the Google + button. Does that not work? Do please let me know if you have any success because if not I will have to try and fix it.
    Don't forget to let us all know if you decide to try the cabbage leaf treatment.

    Best wishes... and don't eat too many crisps!


    1. Hi Georgina ~ lovely to see you here and hope you helped yourself to coffee and cakes . . .
      Blogger has changed the Gadgets and I am not familiar with the new one. I have the old follower one which I think is a lot better but it looks as though it is not possible to get that gadget now. I wish blogger would leave things alone. I shall have to familiarise myself with it (Betsy will help because she is a whiz about things like that) but no worries I have your blog on my sidebar so I can see when you post.

      I think I shall not be using the cabbage leaf somehow . . lol.
      I'll try not to let you tempt me with crisps . . . . haha.

  17. Glad you didn't try the cabbage leaf method. Don't much like the sound of that.
    You're doing very well and I'd stick with the conventional medications. Like the sound of your kinky black stockings! Can't wait to see them with or without suspenders!

    Lots of luv,
    Maggie x

    1. Hi Maggie,
      (Big Sis ~ looking forward to seeing you over the weekend but wish it was in much happier circumstances)
      I am quite pleased with my recovery but it is too slow for me of course.
      Think I shall skip the cabbage idea and just eat it . . .
      I will have to wait a while for the stockings . . . until I am fully recovered. The idea is to help stop it coming back.
      Love Eddie . . . :) x

  18. I'm relieved to hear you're doing much better. "...dressings soaked in liquid paraffin, so I had better not walk too near bonfires..." That made me chuckle, Eddie. Don't you play with fire now, you hear? :)

    1. Thanks Blue ~ and I do light bonfires from time to time ~ but not recently and not with such inflammable material ~ I have not learned how to do SOS smoke signals . . . . haha

    2. I'll teach you how to make smoke signals. :)

    3. My dear Pink Cloud, thank you so much . . . . lol . . . my little Cherokee lovely . . . . .:) x

    4. Pink Cloud? You're such a charmer, you.

    5. lol . . . . it would seem so . . . . lol . . :)

    6. So no blue cloud for me? ;)

    7. lol . . . . . I'll smoke a pipe of peace with you . . . . :)
      I'll be over to see what you've been up to . . . .

  19. Hi Eddie .. it's good to know the leg is healing .. but the cabbage leaf sounds a very interesting idea. It'd be good to give these things a chance ... but I understand people would be somewhat horrified.

    What fun that the same nurses are around for you .. that makes life so much easier ... welcome back for when you feel like writing a story .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary . . . stories are circulating in my cerebral hemispheres . . lol . . . need to get them on paper.
      I think I shall just eat the cabbage leaf . . . yes I knew some of the nurses in hospital too from my ambulance days . .
      I'll pop over soon ~ cheers, Eddie . . :)

  20. Im glad you feeling better Eddie!
    Take care!

  21. Thank you everyone for all your support ~ it helps more than you can imagine . . . :) x

  22. I have just got round to reading this post, and it has left me with a wicked picture of you wearing suspenders - but with black, fish net stockings! Am I having a 'day-mare'?! LOL
    Do hope the healing continues apace. ♥

    1. Thanks Pen ~ I think you must be having a 'day-mare'.
      I am a little disappointed too because they are giving me only one black sexy stocking for the bad leg so I will not look quite symmetrical and I can't think of anything else to attach anything else to the right hand side of the suspender belt . . . . any ideas? On second thoughts, don't. I might get arrested . . . . lol
      Nice to see you Pen and thanks for your good wishes. I am hoping for a further improvement when I attend the clinic tomorrow . . . :) x

  23. Odd, I left a comment a few days ago but it disappeared. Popping in to check on you. Slow and steady, Eddie. Hey - that rhymes. :-) xoxox

    1. It's there under the comments you made earlier.
      The one where you are popping in for a spin.
      Thanks for checking on me . . . I need people to keep me in order . . . .lol . . :) xx

  24. D'oh! I see it now... I thought I had left it separately. I blame this wicked cold I have been courting for over a week.It has taken over my brain. Yes, would have been nice to have a little globe dance! ;-)

    1. Sorry about your cold but I am sure it is not mighty enough to take over your brain . . . lol
      Quite a number visit my little globe but sometimes they do not comment ~ perhaps they are a little shy... :)
      Perhaps we could meet on my globe sometime . . . . lol . . . . :)

  25. Oh Eddie you have been in a bit of a pickle lately, I am glad your leg is healing. It is hard to heal an ulcer, it seems to take forever. Was sorry to hear about Harry as well. Just know I am sending good thoughts and many prayers to England, xo

    1. Thanks Bernie ~ very nice to hear from you and thank you for your prayers.
      Will write soon . . . . :) x

  26. Excellent news to hear you are on the mend and dare I say it?... getting back on your feet! (boom boom s Mr Brush used to say!) I've been on assorted codeine pills lately for a duff shoulder/neck, but I am very relieved to report I've had no adverse effects... phew!

    1. Thanks Rae and yes you dare say it . . . . . lol
      Hope your shoulder/neck recovers as quickly as my leg . . . . . . that is FAST and the meds can't understand it . . . .
      It is so nice to be pain free . . . . glad your pain killers did not bung you up . . . . . lol . . . :)

  27. I have been keeping up with you via email, my friend....but I wanted to stop by your blog and tell you again that I am so glad that your leg is healing. Continue to take care of you....and know that I am praying for you....and for your sweet sister and brother-in-law. I send my love to all.

    1. Thank you Jackie ~ we appreciate your friendship and your kind prayers . . . . love Eddie :)

  28. HI Eddie - wishing you good wishes and a speedy recovery. Good news that the blogging constipation has sorted itself, bet that was painful ..ha ..ha .... sounds like you're on the road to recovery ..hurrah!

    1. Hi Mary . . . lovely to see you and thank you for your good wishes ~ I'm not sure which complaint I was most keen to see the back of, the infected leg ulcer or the severe constipation . . . lol . . :)


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