(Since this roast Heather has moved to her new blog, Memoirs & Offerings . However her existing blog, although no longer updated, will remain open as archives. Good job too!)
A very warm welcome to you, Heather, and to your followers

And listen folks! It's Heather's birthday on 25 March. All together, "Happy Birthday to you!"
OK - let the Roast Commence
Here's the first of the standard questions. Why do you blog?
When I began blogging, I did so under the familiar myspace profile. It was a simple sharing of my thoughts and the little things that happen daily. One thing led to another, through thoughtful consideration and prayer, I found myself entering into blogspot; knowing there is a greater purpose than little me needing to write.
What's the story behind your blog name?
Well, I've always been an easy going gal..for the most part, who tries to live simply. I tend to describe everything to the littlest of details in my writing, which doesn't sound very simple, but allows others to understand. A friend once told me that when she described me to another person, she said that I was simple; not in a disrespectful way but in a way that I do not complicate situations....I don't complicate life.
What is the best thing about being a blogger?
In this world, I rarely find others who are similar to myself in the "introverted" ways that I am. Most out and about people tend to be strong personalities. I'm strong in my faith, and strong in areas...but not a "forceful on others" type of person. I've found kindred spirits here in blogland...some that I cherish very much and who will remain in my heart.
What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?
Advice? I'm not big on giving advice, but I'll share something that I have learned :) Always be true to who you are when you're blogging. Don't follow what everyone else is doing or become discouraged when someone comments negatively on your posts.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever read?
Oh boy - I don't know about this question, Eddie. The most significant blog post, huh? There are too many for me to mention, much less remember but the one that first comes to my mind was when I began following Jen. She was sharing her life and the love for her dogs...it reminded me SO much of my husband and I when we began our lives together.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever written?
This one is easy for me but it isn't just one blog post, Eddie, it was a series over the time that my mother had left here with us. The entire story from beginning until my most recent feelings can be found here, if anyone is interested. I shared my feelings in depth throughout the entire time that we knew my mother was living with breast cancer.
On my blog there is a link for my writings about my mother. You can find them all here, and as blogger lists them, they appear from my latest feelings back to the beginning of it all. I wrote her testimony and shared it with our church in the women's ministry magazine six years ago...just after mom came home from the hospital the first time...it's titled When We Knew My Mom Had Cancer . My Mother's life REALLY is a testimony to God's faithfulness and love, His care for those who truly love Him.
When I began blogging, I did so under the familiar myspace profile. It was a simple sharing of my thoughts and the little things that happen daily. One thing led to another, through thoughtful consideration and prayer, I found myself entering into blogspot; knowing there is a greater purpose than little me needing to write.
What's the story behind your blog name?
Well, I've always been an easy going gal..for the most part, who tries to live simply. I tend to describe everything to the littlest of details in my writing, which doesn't sound very simple, but allows others to understand. A friend once told me that when she described me to another person, she said that I was simple; not in a disrespectful way but in a way that I do not complicate situations....I don't complicate life.
What is the best thing about being a blogger?
In this world, I rarely find others who are similar to myself in the "introverted" ways that I am. Most out and about people tend to be strong personalities. I'm strong in my faith, and strong in areas...but not a "forceful on others" type of person. I've found kindred spirits here in blogland...some that I cherish very much and who will remain in my heart.
What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?
Advice? I'm not big on giving advice, but I'll share something that I have learned :) Always be true to who you are when you're blogging. Don't follow what everyone else is doing or become discouraged when someone comments negatively on your posts.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever read?
Oh boy - I don't know about this question, Eddie. The most significant blog post, huh? There are too many for me to mention, much less remember but the one that first comes to my mind was when I began following Jen. She was sharing her life and the love for her dogs...it reminded me SO much of my husband and I when we began our lives together.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever written?
This one is easy for me but it isn't just one blog post, Eddie, it was a series over the time that my mother had left here with us. The entire story from beginning until my most recent feelings can be found here, if anyone is interested. I shared my feelings in depth throughout the entire time that we knew my mother was living with breast cancer.
On my blog there is a link for my writings about my mother. You can find them all here, and as blogger lists them, they appear from my latest feelings back to the beginning of it all. I wrote her testimony and shared it with our church in the women's ministry magazine six years ago...just after mom came home from the hospital the first time...it's titled When We Knew My Mom Had Cancer . My Mother's life REALLY is a testimony to God's faithfulness and love, His care for those who truly love Him.

My dear Mother passed over on August 21, 2008
If you were to suggest two blogs for roasting who would you pick, and why?
Two blogs...hmmmm. My first choice would be Dan Felstead from Wood and Pixels Narratives. Dan is an extremely talented photographer and is able to stir up emotions as he shares his prose with each photo in his blog. I've been following him close to the beginning of his blogging days. Another choice would be Kate from Chronicles of a Country Girl. From the first time I visited Kate's blog, she made me smile. Her honest sharing and beautiful photos win me over...and her sweet brown eyed dog, George...well, let's just say it was love at first sight with him :).
That concludes the formal aspect of the interview but it would be nice to get to know you a little better while you are slowly turning on the roasting spit. So while you are screaming in agony above the open fire here are a few more questions for you.
Pick three things you can't live without (no you cannot have ice cubes to cool you down)
Three things I can't live without. That's easy - but they are not things: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are three in One that I could not, would not, should not, will not - ever - live without :)
Two blogs...hmmmm. My first choice would be Dan Felstead from Wood and Pixels Narratives. Dan is an extremely talented photographer and is able to stir up emotions as he shares his prose with each photo in his blog. I've been following him close to the beginning of his blogging days. Another choice would be Kate from Chronicles of a Country Girl. From the first time I visited Kate's blog, she made me smile. Her honest sharing and beautiful photos win me over...and her sweet brown eyed dog, George...well, let's just say it was love at first sight with him :).
That concludes the formal aspect of the interview but it would be nice to get to know you a little better while you are slowly turning on the roasting spit. So while you are screaming in agony above the open fire here are a few more questions for you.
Pick three things you can't live without (no you cannot have ice cubes to cool you down)
Three things I can't live without. That's easy - but they are not things: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are three in One that I could not, would not, should not, will not - ever - live without :)
What a great answer, Heather
If we were to make a movie about blogland, what would it be and who would you cast in the leading roles?
Well, Eddie - you got me on this one. I have no clue here, so I will just have to answer your two penalty questions because I'm determined to get to ask you a question. Bring them on, Eddie!
If we were to make a movie about blogland, what would it be and who would you cast in the leading roles?
Well, Eddie - you got me on this one. I have no clue here, so I will just have to answer your two penalty questions because I'm determined to get to ask you a question. Bring them on, Eddie!
If you could live your life again who would you be, and why?
I would have to be Me, Eddie. Not that I think I've done everything perfectly or could but simply because God chose to make me for a reason and I couldn't make a better choice than He.
I would have to be Me, Eddie. Not that I think I've done everything perfectly or could but simply because God chose to make me for a reason and I couldn't make a better choice than He.
You have been given a wonderful talent from above. This causes you to make your mark on humanity and be world famous. In which area would prefer: a best selling novelist, a brilliant artist, a gifted musician, a fantastic singer, a charismatic leader, anything you choose, and why?
Well, Eddie...I would be a Writer (best selling novelist) and a Brilliant Artist - both are sewn within me now...the thing is that I can't seem to get out of my own way in this life - but I know that I am right where I need to be for this time.
Well, Eddie...I would be a Writer (best selling novelist) and a Brilliant Artist - both are sewn within me now...the thing is that I can't seem to get out of my own way in this life - but I know that I am right where I need to be for this time.
If you were an ice cream cone, which flavour would you prefer and who would you most want to lick you?
I'd definitely be black raspberry ice cream....mmmmm. About the licking part - nah :)
I'd definitely be black raspberry ice cream....mmmmm. About the licking part - nah :)
Quite right too about the last part - surprised it's still in the script! What a silly question! But some people elect to answer it I suppose! LOL
Describe in one sentence your perfect day.
My perfect day would be filled with laughter, love, hugs and quiet, revelational moments soaking up the Son :)
If you were a fictional writer which one would you be and why?
Oh, well this one is easy, Eddie, I'd be no one other than Me, Myself - I love to write...couldn't be anyone but me, not to mention that I'm not a reader of fiction really...just an occasional writer of it; oh, unless you are including childrens books into this category :)
And finally if you have answered so many questions I invite you to ask me one in return - it's the least I can do. OK fire away!
Me ask a question?! Okay, Eddie. Let's see.
It is rare that we find the opportunity in life to live what we love. Most people do what they know or what they've gone to school to learn, finding themselves living unsatisfied days. If you were able to live what you love, Eddie...tell us, what would that be? Now, if you could choose to be that with all of everything you'd ever NEED provided for you OR do what you know and make so much money that you could have all that you need and WANT - which would you choose?
Crumbs - that's a really tricky one, Heather, and no doubt I shall surprise many with my answer. Heather, you are obviously a young lady of Faith, so I shall be totally honest with you - I am a person of Faith also. Of course we would all want to be financially comfortable in this life but that is not at the top of my list. I entered the Ambulance Service not to chase the nurses like one or two people think, but because I wished to help people - sick people. However, I want more than that. For the last 25 years my true desire in this life is to be an instrument of healing for The Lord. Above anything else in the world I would wish to be granted the gift of healing and be a channel from The Lord to heal the sick - to have authority and responsibility to lay hands on mortally sick people, pray for them and help to restore them to good health, by the power of The Lord. And there are a lot of people on the list - all struck down with cancer including my wife, my sister, her husband and many friends. I shall write a post one day about several occurances when on Ambulance Duty. On two different ocassions I was approached by sick people in the ambulance who almost unbelievably asked me to pray for them - completely out of the blue. I still wonder whether someone was trying to tell me something but I guess I am still waiting for that audible voice from above.
Describe in one sentence your perfect day.
My perfect day would be filled with laughter, love, hugs and quiet, revelational moments soaking up the Son :)
If you were a fictional writer which one would you be and why?
Oh, well this one is easy, Eddie, I'd be no one other than Me, Myself - I love to write...couldn't be anyone but me, not to mention that I'm not a reader of fiction really...just an occasional writer of it; oh, unless you are including childrens books into this category :)
And finally if you have answered so many questions I invite you to ask me one in return - it's the least I can do. OK fire away!
Me ask a question?! Okay, Eddie. Let's see.
It is rare that we find the opportunity in life to live what we love. Most people do what they know or what they've gone to school to learn, finding themselves living unsatisfied days. If you were able to live what you love, Eddie...tell us, what would that be? Now, if you could choose to be that with all of everything you'd ever NEED provided for you OR do what you know and make so much money that you could have all that you need and WANT - which would you choose?
Crumbs - that's a really tricky one, Heather, and no doubt I shall surprise many with my answer. Heather, you are obviously a young lady of Faith, so I shall be totally honest with you - I am a person of Faith also. Of course we would all want to be financially comfortable in this life but that is not at the top of my list. I entered the Ambulance Service not to chase the nurses like one or two people think, but because I wished to help people - sick people. However, I want more than that. For the last 25 years my true desire in this life is to be an instrument of healing for The Lord. Above anything else in the world I would wish to be granted the gift of healing and be a channel from The Lord to heal the sick - to have authority and responsibility to lay hands on mortally sick people, pray for them and help to restore them to good health, by the power of The Lord. And there are a lot of people on the list - all struck down with cancer including my wife, my sister, her husband and many friends. I shall write a post one day about several occurances when on Ambulance Duty. On two different ocassions I was approached by sick people in the ambulance who almost unbelievably asked me to pray for them - completely out of the blue. I still wonder whether someone was trying to tell me something but I guess I am still waiting for that audible voice from above.
Thank you again Heather for your very beautiful and thought provoking interview.
Today's Sunday Roast with Heather is the 108th in a weekly
series of interviews with bloggers from around the world. ________________________________________________
This interview will feature in The Roll of Honour
for all published Roasts. To view press HERE
Next week's roast, Knucklehead
Watch out folks!! He'll knock you out!! and find your chuckle muscle!
The month of March has a lot to answer for. Many Blogland writers own up to being born in it, so it begins to seem literary leanings go with the territory. I'm off to say hello to the latest March Hare to come to my notice, and very best wishes for the 25th, while I'm here!
ReplyDeleteI found Heather's answers were really inspiring and she sounds as though she is so happy in her own skin. I do admire that. Not many of us could say that we were completely happy with our lives.
ReplyDeleteEddie...... I believe you are a man of great faith and who knows what gifts are festering underneath. Go for it.
Maggie X
Another lovely Roast, Eddie. You're doing David Mc Mahon proud!
ReplyDeleteI'm off now to check out heather's blog.
And re the healing, have you tried Reiki or IET? Both are great to channel healing energy, I use them all the time.
Great roast!!! Enjoyed getting to know Heather! Happy Spring Eddie!!
ReplyDeleteAnd that healing touch is yours Eddie. It is just a matter of prayer and belief. He is the Healer!
I love your answer to my question, Eddie!! I agree with slommler, truly God has enabled you with this desire...seed planted, being nourished, growing, blossoming; we may not always get to see the fruit, but He does ♥
ReplyDeleteBless you, my friend, and your family as they grow in Faith through the struggles.
When I read what I wrote about "trying not to complicate things", I laughed out loud. It's so true...I do try not to, but it doesn't always work out that way. If you read my latest post about my school bus license renewal, you'll see what I mean :)
Thank you so much, Eddie, for having me here today and thank you all for your warm comments :)
Oh, Eddie, I'm also pleased to hear that you're healing well and not getting clobbered with walking sticks :)
ReplyDeleteGreat roast. Nice to meet you and I'll certainly pop over to your blog and say hello!
ReplyDeleteEddie another great roast my friend, and you know what, your wish is mine as well. I think you can heal in many ways and perhaps your gift is soul healing as much as body healing :)
Oh, Eddie...thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing me to this beautiful lady...I cannot wait to introduce myself...she TRULY sounds a kindred spirit!! And as always you have roasted her to perfection! Love the question she asked you...and as always, you are such a gracious and eloquent host! Loved this one! I'm running to her blog now. You are the BEST, dear Eddie!!! How in the world would we find such delightful bloggers without you!! I owe so many of my favorite finds to you! Hugs, Janine
ReplyDeleteEddie, this lovely blogger is one of your best kept secrets...I feel like I know her already and I am looking forward to visiting her.
ReplyDeleteYour answer surprised me my friend, I thought I knew you better but I love that you would like to heal and make life better for others.....somehow I think you do this in your own fashion anyway.
........:-) Hugs
Mon cher Eddie, You do heal others through your kind words and prayers! And I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful roast. Heather is a kindred spirit, too, and I loved her answers and will be visiting her soon. Merci beaucoup to both of you! Happy Spring!
ReplyDeleteA lovely,refreshing and open set of answers. She seems like a truly lovely person.
ReplyDeleteEddie...like several other people that commented here, I don't know Heather, but she sounds like a wonderful and caring person. I loved her question to you. You answer fits exactly where I have always know you to be...and that is in the Lord's Will. I haven't met you personally, but have grown to know and love you and your loving spirit through bloging. You are a very caring man...and the Lord uses you in wonderful ways. Praying with and for patients is only one of the ways, Eddie. I'm honored to call you my friend. I continue to pray for you and your family. Thank you for a lovely blog. Take care of you, Eddie.
I am deeply humbled by some of your comments. Thank you so much my friends for your encouragement. I truly wish everyone, including some outside blogging, understood me so well.
ReplyDeleteThanks Eddie. I enjoyed Heather's Roast very much. She seems like a very grounded and down to earth person. I'll check out her blog next.
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot about you, Eddie, in this interview too. You are a very good man.
This post was a real pleasure.
Hello Eddie !!
ReplyDeleteHow are you progressing from your THR surgery ?
I always read your unique and ubiquitous "The Sunday Roast" since I know you and your humble wisdom through the world of blogging.
I am forced this time to write about your wonderful skills and humor in roasting the different old,experienced and genuinely masters of blogging world.Your skills are incomparable and perfect.
Your roast with Heather-a gently grounded and self-esteemed lady, is just an another cap in your skillful masterly feather.
With deep regards,
i absolutely enjoy all your posting kind, very useful,
ReplyDeletedon't give up and also keep creating considering it just simply that is worth to follow it,
impatient to looked over more of your web content, have a great day ;)