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Thursday 3 September 2009

Camera At The Ready

Since I discovered I missed some golden photographic oportunities by not having my camera I aways carry my camera with me now - everywhere!

Recently I got these shots. All these situations presented themselves completely 'out of the blue'.
I was wiping over the rotary washing line and . . . hello . . . a 'flutter by' called in unannounced, landing right in front of me. Have I got my camera? Yes, in my pocket! Don't fly away yet! Ready, steady . . . . . zoom in optically and a bit digitally . . . . hold steady . . . . and . . . got ya!
What's this? . . . . a dragonfly! You're off limits mate! You're grounded . . . until I get this shot anyway!

And . . . . a damsel fly in distress? No she's OK . . . . I think , just playing hard to get.

Glittery waves photographed off Brean Down, near Weston Super Mare. It's not only clouds that have 'silvery linings'.


  1. Eddie, what beautiful photo's you have taken, it's hard to pick a favourite but I think Glittery waves would be my first pick. You are very talented my friend, hope you and your family are well.......:-) Bernie

  2. I wish I could learn to carry my camera with me every trip. I leave it by my handbag to remind me, and somehow I still go blind, when it's time to go out.
    These are lovely well-worth-taking shots. Good for you.
    Love Granny

  3. Nice to see you are still at it my friend love reading your blog.

    ex amcaruk now retired

  4. Love the photos Eddie and my fav is also the glittery waves, although the metalllic aqua dragonfly comes in a close second.


  5. Great photographs. I have started to carry my camera with me as well, its great to get memory keeping shots or those to share with fellow bloggers x

  6. Those are magnificent photos. Now why do you get interesting, beautiful butterflies like that in your habitat and all we get are much less pretty Skippers!
    Great photos and it does pay to have a photo by your side. (Or in your pocket!)

  7. Wow, these photos are beautiful! Very peaceful!

  8. Oh my goodness, Eddie..!! I love these photos (and I call them futteblies too...imagine that! I think my granddaughter thinks that's what they are called...I say it sooo much!)
    The photos are terric....and I am in love with the last one...the silver waves....beautiful shot!!! Simply gorgeous!!

  9. Your glittery waves photo makes me want to live near a large body of water, at least I have small creeks. the photo is beautiful!

  10. Hello Eddie...
    I wanted to wish you a peaceful weekend.
    All the best to you and yours.
    May all your days be glittery ones.
    You do bring glitter moments to all who know you.
    Take care...

  11. Thank you all for your comments - I really value these highly, particularly when someone calls me a "Cool Dude" or a "Cute Hoot"

    Dennis - Great to hear from you my friend - I enjoyed working with you a lot and hope you and your wife are OK although I did hear you took an early retirement. You are missed by patients, colleagues and the lovely nurses.

  12. Eddie, the link you put in for your Sunday roast doesn't work!!!

  13. Your sense of humor rocks!! (Damsel in distress playing hard to get it ;-) ) I am hooked :)


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